Summary notes of the HSS meeting on 17/02/2014

Present: RB, HB, RDM, MHF, MF, MG, PH, SR, EQ, MS, GV, FZ, RR, RW, CH, DH

Report from meetings

Loss maps for new IR7 optics -> DM (slides)

Daniele Mirarchi presented his work related to collimation on IR7 for the post LS1 optics. He performed tracking simulations for Beam 1 and Beam 2 at the nominal beam energy of 7 TeV. As discussed previously, quadrupoles in IR7 are strongly irradiated, some of which (MQWB) were run at low strength and will now be completely off and could later be used as spares or for tests.
His results for Beam 2 are very similar to those for previous optics due to very similar optical conditions.
For Beam 1 he finds increased loss peaks in IR8. Looking at details particle by particle he finds that these originate in off momentum particle, mostly generated by single diffractive scattering with typically dp/p = 1.e-2. These new peaks are due to the fact that the dispersion for Beam 1 has been reduced (from 50 cm to about 10 cm), thus changing the cut in momentum performed by the collimators. A revised optics with larger dispersion for Beam 1, so to mimic the original optical solution, shows lower peaks.

Progress on power converter ripple effects and specifications for HL-LHC -> MF (slides)

Miriam recalled the main ideas which had been discussed before in the LCU meeting on 26/11/2013.
She studies the ripple generated in the triplet for the present and planned powering after LS3. The effects increase with the maximum beta which will be higher than at present for the upgrade optics. The high magnet inductance of the triplets works as low-pass filter to suppress higher ripple frequencies possibly induced by the powering for the magnetic fields seen by the beam.
There are uncertainties from the simulation of Eddy currents and the limited knowledge of the actual conductivity of the tungsten used. The most relevant effects are expected at multiples of 50Hz and in particular at 600 and 300 Hz. She determined the dynamic aperture using SixTrack. Without beam-beam, she observes reductions from 18 sigma down to 9 - 10 sigma in the worst cases.
The next steps will be to finalised the list of possible frequencies that could affect the power converter, massive numerical simulations, and the evaluation of the transfer function between ripple in the power converter and magnetic ripple seen by the beam.


Last update: 25-Feb-2014


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