Summary notes of the HSS meeting on 03/03/2014

Present: RB, HB, RDM, LD, MF, MG, PH, CH, JJ, EQ, AS, MS, PS, RT, GV, RWa, RWe, JC

Report from meetings

Update on the optics repository web pages -> RdM (slides)

Massimo recalled that we need several updates in our optics files to follow the changes in hardware in LS1 for Run 2, related for example to collimators, instruments,  correctors and repaired skew quads in sector 3-4.
Riccardo started to make a new web repository which should give all essential information on the main configurations in a convenient way, see  This already includes tables with tfs and csv files, as well as figures which show the optics parameters and which were made using python. He made two main branches, one for LHC Run 1 protons and another for HL-LHVv1.0 optics.
Riccardo asks for feedback and received already a number of questions and suggestions during the meeting.
John Jowett asks that sample jobs should be windows friendly free of soft links, and suggests to include excel files with macros and provision for 2D and 3D dynamic plots based on his Mathematica tools.
Laurent would like to have this within the cvs MAD-X project and connected to MAD-X testing.
Massimo would like entries for every year of LHC running.

Riccardo also plans to include high-beta optics which need special care to deal with global tune compensation.

Aperture display -> HB (slides)

Helmut looked into methods to generated 3D optics and geometry display based on MAD-X lattice and aperture information. Among the several possible commercial and free tools, he finds that the ROOT Geometry and Event display is particularly useful and well adapted to our needs. He showed how the ROOT geometry and tracking display can be generated from MAD-X optics and survey tables,  and illustrated this for LHC IR5, see his slides. Piotr Skowronski said that he in fact came to a similar conclusions already a while ago, and that he wrote the interface PTC_PRINTFRAMES which directly generates ROOT geometry code in MAD-X.


Last update: 11-March-2014


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