Summary notes of the HSS meeting on 15/09/2014

Present:  LD, SF, MF, SG, MG, RdM, JSM, EM, GR, TP, GV, RW

Report from meetings

Injection Tunes (first experiences) -> RdM (slides, additional material)

The aim of this study is to measure the tune shift vs. intensity at LHC injection using the data from the operational fills. A possible application would be to determine a feed forward correction of the LHC tune at injection.
The first challenge consists of finding data suitable for the analysis. In the end, it was found that the injection oscillations can provide useful information, provided the appropriate analysis technique is applied.
Additional points to be taken into account in the analysis: effect of MQTs at injection, tune decay due to persistent current effects.
Bunch-by-bunch data have been analysed, revealing puzzling effects to be understood.
This preliminary study has also revealed incomplete data stored or unclear logic for the selection of stored data (IQC) and also highlighted the possibility of using the huge amount of data in the post-mortem system for this type of analysis. All this will be also presented at a future LBOC to present the requests for improvement of the data stored.



Last update: 08-September-2014


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