Summary notes of the LCU meeting on 23/09/2008

Present: IA, MA, RB, HB, RC, MF, SF, MG, NH, JJ, YL, AM, JN, FR, FS, RT, TW, SY, JM, SP

Report from meetings

Beam 2 vs. Beam 4 verifications -> FS (pdf)

FS reported about recent MAD-X issues and improvements. Automatic checks performed by J-L.N revealed several issues, mostly in the PTC part which are being fixed. A PTC standalone module for the LHC is in preparation.
He also reported about more recent discussions and checks on sign changes and conventions in the context of the reversed sequence of beam 2 which is also known as beam 4.

The conclusions on this topics will be reported at the next meeting.

Thick lens model with errors and MAD-X status -> FeRo (pdf)
FeRo described his recent work in the context of MAD-X on-line model and PTC.
The idea is to include field errors with PTC to a thick lens model of the LHC. Errors can be read from error tables of measured errors (extracted by WISE and also used for tracking simulations).
The complex chain of scripts was tested using b2 errors in the dipoles. The resulting beta-beating looks in agreement with estimates.
The next step will be to include also the higher-order magnetic errors.
This model, together with the extraction of the actual machine setting (under development by IA and FeRo) should be the basis of the refined on-line model.
In the next meeting the comparison between MADX and PTC (for nominal optics without errors) will be quickly presented as a follow-up.

Emittance growth from crab cavity -> AM (pdf)
AM reported about his studies in the context of the LHC upgrade with crab cavities. He studied how fast the crab cavities should be ramped so to produce a minimum transverse emittance growth. He found that the emittance growth is only substantial if the cavities would be turned on in less than 10 turns. The emittance growth for turn on over 1000 turns is negligible. He used 6D simulations based on the SAD program for 10000 particles and a crab RF-frequency of 400 MHz. The only sources of non-linear effects are the chromatic sextupoles.
In a next presentation the more realistic case with all non-linear magnetic errors should be presented together with a study of the 800 MHz case.



Last update: 23-September-08


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