Summary notes of the LCU meeting on 21/09/2010

Present: CA, HB, SF, MF, MG, JJ, YL, TM, MS, RT, GV, SW, FZ

Report from meetings

SLHCv3: first results on optics, chromatic properties, long term stability: part II -> RdM (slides)

RdM gave the second presentation on the LHC optics upgrade plans.
He showed the size of the tune footprint from optical imperfections at low beta*. As shown last time, the new scheme involves the neighboring insertions IR8 and IR2 for IP1,  IR4 and IR6 in IP5 to reach lower beta* in one transverse plane while keeping the chromatic aberrations corrected. This new scheme implies larger-than-nominal betas in the arcs. The size of the footprint could be reduced by using a more symmetric sextuple correction scheme based on even numbers of sextupoles. This could be reached by adding an extra sextupole or by short circuiting one existing sextuple.
He also showed tracking results with  dynamic aperture determinations which will also be used to specify the field quality for new magnets (D1, D2, Q4) required in this scheme. These studies enable selecting among the configurations with alternating crossing planes (preferred) and non-alternating crossing plane (worse DA). The addition of one sextupole also improves DA.
also showed the tune footprint from the beam-beam interactions in IR1&5 in this scheme with 21 parasitic interactions on either side of the IPs.
and HB suggested to consider also more generally the re-optimization of collision tunes and longitudinal beam parameters (bunch length, Dp/p).
A number of items will be studied in order to complete the performance assessment of this new scheme. In particular, a list of MD studies to be performed on the nominal machine should be prepared.



Last update: 21-September-2010


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