Summary notes of the LCU meeting on 04/09/2012

Present: RB, HB, RdM, LD, OD, SF, MF, MG, BH, JJ, EM, EQ, MS, MSt, RT, RV, FZ, PS

Report from meetings

Understanding the octupole feed down in the LHC -> EMcL (slides)
Ewen presented a study aiming to understand the feed down effects of the LHC Landau octupoles.
He looked at the observed and expected changes of tune, chromaticity and coupling by changing the octupole strengths in the LHC. As an example, ramping down the octupoles from 450A to 50 A may change Q' from +6 to -2.

He tried to account for the parameter changes in terms of feed down effects due to closed orbit and mechanical misalignment. Tables with numerical values for the observed and expected effects are given in the slides. The changes in chromaticity are found to be in broad agreement with the expectations. Tune and in particular coupling changes appear to be larger than expected.
said that the multipole errors of the octupoles are known and should be included. In particular the a2 and b2 components may be rather significant and have a direct impact on coupling and tune variation. It was also proposed to check the effect of off-momentum combined with the very large Q''. Also, the mechanical offset of BPMs is questioned and it is mentioned (e.g., it is not known at cold) that a systematic vertical offset between the mechanical and magnetic axis has been observed. Hence, it does not seem to be advisable to use the data concerning the mechanical misalignment in the vertical plane.

Last update: 04-September-2012


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