Summary notes of the LCU meeting on Friday 14/06/2013

Present: RA, FB, HB, LD, SF, MF, MG, BH, AL, EM, SR, GR, RT, RV, PS

Report from meetings

Tilting the crossing plane at top energy -> BH (slides)

Bernhard gave a presentation in preparation of the discussions planned for the next LMC. The main difficulty is related to the LHCb spectrometer bump polarity changes. The implementation of the tilted crossing scheme in 2012 was done with the help of Reyes and Reine. LHCb saw systematic effects depending on the spectrometer polarity in 2011. The 2012 data is still being analyzed. For the moment it is assumed that spectrometer polarity changes will also be requested after LS1.
A complete scheme has been studied and will be presented at the LMC: the smaller physical emittance due to the higher energy will help and make the gymnastic easier than at 4 TeV. This option will be made available to LHCb, which will have the possibility to use it in operation in case the on-going studies show a real need for this complication.


It is planned to schedule the next meeting at the standard day and time, Tuesday morning at 10:00, in the second week of July.

Last update: 25-June-2013


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