Minutes of the LIS Section meeting held on 14th November 2007.

Present: G. Arduini, S. Aumon, J. Barranco, E. Benedetto, O. Berrig, S. Gilardoni, M. Martini, S. Maury, E. Métral, Y. Papaphilippou, D. Quatraro, G. Rumolo, B. Salvant.


General information (G. Arduini)

The new DG has been elected (to be confirmed by Council in December): R. Heuer (DESY Research director and ex-OPAL spoke-person)

G. Roy will step-down as DSO. S. Maury noted that with the restructuring of the Safety Commission a lot of work is left with the department (e.g. LINAC4 project requires a complete safety study).

R. Aleksan (CEA-Saclay) has stepped-down as CARE coordinator. He will be replaced by P. Lebrun before the end of 2008. J.P. Koutchouk will act as CARE coordinator ad-interim..

Not clear whether there will be a “Chamonix meeting”: probably not.

Requests of technical and doctoral students: deadline 26/11.

The ABP Christmas party will take place on: 6/12.

ABP/LIS proposals for participation to EPAC08 (to be approved at ABMB): Elena Benedetto, Simone Gilardoni, Yannis Papaphilippou, Giovanni Rumolo, Benoit Salvant (paid by EPFL), Javier Barranco (only if he gets financial support from CIEMAT).

S. Maury has presented the manpower requirements and possible schedule for preparing the accelerators for a fixed-target ion rune (NA61) to ABMB (01/10) and SPSC (04/10). This would be in strong competition with the preparation of the injectors for the LHC ion programme and the time-schedule proposed by the NA61 experiment is not feasible. It seems now that NA61 is proposing a different time schedule.

S. Maury has also presented the activity of the APC as well as the status of the SPS ion commissioning to the ABMB (29/10).

S. Gilardoni has presented the status of the studies to reduce the radiological impact of CNGS operation to the ATC on 9/11 (this was already presented at the APC).

Status of the machines


A vacuum leak has been detected. The position was not known to the presents.

PS (S. Gilardoni, Y. Papaphilippou)

Tune measurements: two systems were run in parallel in the last ~2 weeks of operation. One is based on the old front-end electronics connected to the BBQ pick-up and the second is based on the new front-end electronics used in LEIR and PSB. With these systems almost all the beams can be measured. Remaining issues:

There will be an APC dedicated to the status of the tune measurement and in general to instrumentation issues (7/12).

The matrices for the linear part of the chromaticity have been measured.

G. Arduini suggested to use these matrices to reduce chromaticity so to allow more precise measurements of the tune.

A strategy for the measurements to be performed during the start-up 2008 should be defined at the APC.

The slow cycle for LHC operation in the absence of the rotating machine has been tested on 13/11. The evolution of the Bdot along the ramp has been optimized and should be checked now by the RF people. The PFW current has been partly optimized. Some problems have been observed:

 The outcome of these studies should be presented to the APC.

The capture in the stable islands for the MTE has been tested successfully with 4 bunches (on h=8) with a total intensity of 1.5×1013 p (corresponding to the nominal CNGS beam intensity per bunch) and on a cycle with 1 basic period. No losses were visible during the capture process.

Status of the machine studies (E. Métral) - summary


M. Martini mentioned that he has analyzed the results of simulations done with ACCSIM to evaluate the effect of space charge with on the ultimate CNGS beam with LINAC4 injection. The tails developing at low energy could be responsible for 8% losses at injection in the PS assuming that no blow-up occurs above 170 MeV.

Next meeting

Monday, 26th November 2007 at 09:00 in room 354-1-001


General information (G. Arduini)

PS bellows (B. Salvant)

Status of the optics repository (O. Berrig)


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