Minutes of the LIS Section meeting held on 20th September 2010

Present: G. Arduini, H. Bartosik, S. Gilardoni, P. Jackson, M. Newman, Y. Papaphilippou

General Information (Gianluigi) 

BIOCELL training will become compulsory for access in the LHC by the beginning of December

The web course on computer security is now mandatory for all staff members. Login to SIR

As announced at the last Section Meeting the LHC and LHC Injector consolidation and upgrade programmes are being organized in 3 projects:

R. Garoby will join the BE Department and will take over from O. Brüning as Deputy Department leader.

The MTP has been approved by the Council

DOE has approved the extension of TEVATRON running for 3 years although no additional budget will be provided. FNAL management to decide on how to proceed.

IEFC 3/9

T. Otto has made a progress report for the PS Radiation Working Group. Radiation levels at the offices in the centre of the PS might reach 100 microSv/year and for that reason it is recommended to review the office space allocation in that area.

Operation with MTE reduces the radiation under Goward road by a factor 2, in spite of that radiation levels exceed 2.5 microSv/hour and it is recommended to increase the shielding above the Goward Road with 1.2 m concrete.

Radiation in the LINAC3 areas has been reduced thanks to the installation of a concrete shielding wall close to septum 16. The working group recommends to implement remote operation of the LINAC3 ion source to further reduce the  dose to the LINAC3 experts.

The estimations of the air activation resulting from PS operation are such that there is no clear need for modifications of the ventilation system. Probably an overall assessment of the radioactive air release for the various facilities (ISOLDE, NToF) in the Meyrin site needs to be done.

The impact of new projects such as the PSB energy upgrade and the PS neutrino programme need to be assessed.

IEFC (17/9).

SPS scrapers: two scrapers will be installed in LSS1 and LSS5 will be used as spare. No collimation system will be installed or upgraded. The re-design of the scraping system from scratch will be part of the SPS Upgrade programme.

Round Table


The new SPS cycle with low gamma transition has been prepared but some RF timings were not copied. Furthermore due to the change of the strength of the quadrupoles for obtaining the lower gamma transition the following cycle was affected as well.

The MD had to be postponed to avoid perturbing the ion setting-up. The timings have now been copied. The MD will continue next week.


There are still issues with INCA. An entire class of functions/timings for the radial steering were not recovered when reloading the settings. Only MD4 was affected because this parameter is trimmed frequently for MTE.

Discussion is ongoing to fix this problem. Trims can be done and the values are sent to the HW but the trims are not recorded. Fine delays of the kickers are not included in INCA as well!! Simone has informed Eugenia.


MADX PTC results have been compared with analytical models for some simple cases of magnetic errors and they agree. So it seems that the dynamic aperture for the assumed magnetic error table is poor. Tests are ongoing to define a reasonable set of parameters for the magnetic errors to obtain sufficient dynamic aperture. The dynamic aperture is not changing significantly with the working point.

The definition of anharmonicity is not clearly documented in the MADX/PTC manual. Hannes is going to inform F. Schmidt


The MTE capture efficiency is strongly dependent on the radial position at extraction. Investigations are ongoing to understand whether the radial position is changing significantly

Steering of the TT2-TT10 line has been done with acceptable losses (comparable now to those of CNGS). When correcting the different islands with the DFA the beam is no more injected because of the minimum kick that can be applied to the DFA. Correction is being calculated to compensate for this minimum kick with some correctors in TT2

4 BPM of the TT10 line are no more working for all beams a 4 hour stop will be required to diagnose and fix the problem

The study of an MTE extraction using the CT electrostatic septum is being pursued in order to minimize losses at the Septum 16. Another option to reduce losses is to add a spoiler in SS15 to intercept the losses otherwise hitting septum 16. The problem is that in 15 we have a triplet quadrupoole of the gamma jump and a bumper for the extraction in 16.

PS BLMs: a test with PEP2 monitors and LHC SEMs is being prepared. BLMs based on ionization chambers of smaller volume will be installed during the last technical stoop to move the dynamic range to higher values. The new BLMs will be installed in Septum 42.

Neutrino Factory: a scoping study meeting in the UK to define the content of the report is going to take place this week

Gersende is looking at the proposal for RF cavity tests under magnetic field at CERN.

The proposal will be submitted soon in order to see if we can obtain support especially on the RF side and have the test be done in 2011. If it has to be reported in 2012, there can be still an interest for MICE and for the IDS-NF RDR but this will have to be assessed at the end of 2011 when results of the MTA and MICE schedule will be known better.

 LEIR working well. Christian is looking at the possibility to inject more ion bunches in the LHC as compared to the early scheme

Next meeting

Monday, 4th October 2010 at 14:00 in room 354-1-001

Tentative agenda



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