Minutes of the LIS Section meeting held on 30 January 2012

Present: G. Arduini, H. Bartosik, E. Benedetto, C. Carli, A. Garonna, S. Gilardoni, A. Lachaize, Y. Papaphilippou, R. Wasef, C. Yu

General Information (Gianluigi)

Gianluigi welcomed Elena. She will officially join the Section on 1/2.

The Chamonix meeting will take place from 6/2 to 10/2. After an overview of 2011 LHC performance the strategy for 2012 will be defined. Other subjects include: the long shut down, the performance after the long shut down and the upgrade programmes.

The IEFC workshop will take place from 7 to 9 March 2012. The preliminary programme has been presented at the last IEFC meeting.

A. Molodozhentsev will come to CERN from 6/2 to 20/11.

Gianluigi reminded the staff to attend the CCM  courses in view of the MARS interview.

A deformation of the beam screen of the TDI absorber has been observed during the inspection of this device requested by ABP to verify the status of the Ti coating of the Boron Nitride jaws. This request followed the observation of an increase of the transverse tune shift vs gap position in 2011 as compared to 2010. The deformation of the beam screen is due to heating during bake-out and during operation as a result of the impedance when the absorber is not completely open.

Six new positions for VIA fellows will be opened in the depertment.

Round Table (all)


He is preparing, together with G. Iadarola, the programme for the SPS scrubbing run. New types of beams (5 ns and LHC beams with 10+15 ns spacing) would help in enhancing the scrubbing but they will not be available from the PS in March and for that reason the scrubbing will be performed with 25 ns beams.

Hannes has also evaluate the impact on aperture of the installation of a spare MKDV with reduced horizontal aperture ion case of a failure of the large aperture MKDV as no spare exist for it. Gianluigi will send Hannes a note that he wrote on the aperture requirements for the fixed target beam in the SPS with PS2.


The implications of the operation of the SPS with high intensity beams for LAGUNA are going to be discussed. Simone noted that this would imply high intensity extraction with MTE from the SPS. Tests of the low gamma transition optics with fixed target beams might be performed and the impact of the low gamma transition on the longitudinal blow-up observed during the ramp with the fixed target beam will be reviewed.


ELENA: electrostatic elements will be used for the transfer line from ELENA to the experimental line as they are easier to be shielded from the AD stray fields because the volume to be shielded is smaller. Furthermore faster switching devices can be built with this technology.

Simone asked whether ELENA could be built on a different floor level. Christian replied that this could be possible.

LINAC4 transfer line: the tolerances for the vacuum chambers are being reviewed. A solution for the measurement line has been proposed. The measurement slit has to be designed by STI.


He is running PTC-ORBIT. There are still issues with some files, similar to those encountered by Jon. Gianluigi suggested to contact Sasha by e-mail to explain him the problems encountered. The requirements in computing power should be evaluated as well as the disk space needs. Gianluigi will discuss with Frank Schmidt so that these problems are addressed before the visit of Sasha.

Gianluigi suggested to create a mailing list for the people working on space charge so that issues and solutions are known to all the members of the team.


The Machine Studies WG has reviewed the requirements of LAGUNA, the results of the tests of the new low level digital control for the PSB. The tests will be completed this year with a Finemet cavity installed in ring 4. The new digital control provides new PPM and diagnostics capabilities.

All the PS wire scanners (except two) have been equipped with ferrites. New forks and bellows have been installed everywhere except in 68 (it will be done during the first technical stop)

A new quadrupole for the gamma jump has been installed in Section 99 in view of replacing the one installed in section 15 (to be removed to create space for the MTE dummy septum).

New PS injection optics (Chengui) - slides

Chenghui has studied possible means of modifying the optics in the injection region to reduce the circulating beam size at the injection septum to minimize losses. The possibility of using QKE 16 (quadrupoles in section 5 and 25), QKE16CT or two dedicated quadrupoles have been considered.

Next meeting

Monday, 12th March 2012 at 14:00 in room 6-R-012



To be defined



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