Presents: CB, MG, JBJ,
- Follow-up of actions from previous meetings
- Correction of aperture database (Action: TR, MG).
- MG reports that Samy
Chemli was contacted: he will fix the problems with the database and inform
- Consequence of hardware type change of the correctors in Q5 R2
and A5 L8 (Action: MG, WH, TR).
- MG reports that an ECR - LHC-LMQML-EC-0001
- was issued in April 2004: the change of corrector type from MCBY to MCBC was
needed due to the lack of MCBY magnets and to ensure better mechanical
stability to the cold bore tube. Even though the MCBC at 4.5 K delivers less
strength than the MCBY at 4.5 K WH verified that this is not critical for the
generation of the crossing scheme.
- Verification of
the aperture in IR8 will be performed (Action: WH, JBJ).
- JBJ reports that he received the files for
the aperture verification, which will be performed in the next days.
- Report from meetings
- MEB -> MG
- The allocation of
the triplet magnets took place according to the slots defined by FS and
presented at the last LOC meeting.
- The allocation of
cryodipoles continues: sector 4-5 is in progress and 3-4 will start by end
of August.
- The analysis of
the LHC commissioning scenarios is in progress. The tool selected is
Rational Rose. It is proposed that AK presents the main outcome of the last
LHCOP meeting at the next LOC meeting.
- Sorting of warm quadrupoles in IR3
and IR7
-> MG (pdf file)
- Magnetic measurements: reasonable
correlation between b2 in both apertures.
- Field quality: almost no impact on DA.
- Sorting: best sequence found feature 2% of
total beta-beating, i.e. sum of beta-beating in both planes and for both
beams. The maximum beta beating occurs in the H plane for beam 1 and is 1.3 %.
Without sorting the maximum beta-beating in H plane is about 3.6 %.
- Manual sorting (flip-flop) did not prove to
be effective.
- Best sequence found will be communicated to
magnet Co-ordinator and it will be used for installation.
- MG will be on
vacation from 04/08 to 18/08 and from 22/08 to 26/08.
- The LOC meeting to
be held on August 16th is cancelled.
- P. Proudlock
required to have an additional check of the electrical drawings before cabling
starts. The systematic check will be performed only around even points,
following the hardware commissioning schedule. The next drawings to be check
will be those for point 8. Deadlines are set to September 4th. MG proposes
that the members of the Magnet Team will do the check with the support of TR,
JBJ. JJ will contribute an Excel tool.
- JBJ reports that the
issue of magnetic field generated by the DFB has been raised. FQWG as well as
EMC Board were informed.
Colour code:
- Black: proposed agenda
- Red: outcome of discussion at the meeting
Last update on 02-08-2005 12:10:00