Presents: GB, CB, SF,
- Follow-up of actions from previous meetings
- Complete
comparison between model from database and model used by collimation team
(Action: JJ+SR).
- First detailed
verifications started. Strategy for the checks should be agreed (Action: MG).
- Beam 2 in MAD-X -> (Action: MG)
- The tests are still
in progress: new results will be presented at the next meeting.
- Feedback on
- Chamonix organisation
- Proposals for
subjects, feedback on the sessions should be sent to MG.
- Kicker timings (MKQ, MKA)
- MG discussed with J.
Uythoven to set up an official approval procedure. The feedback received
should then be entered in EDMS.
- Separation of the Technical and Office Computer networks
- No feedback received so far: MG assumes
that impact on MD activities for LOC members will be the same as for other
sections, e.g. LII.
- Report from meetings
- SLM -> MG
- A revised schedule
for the Group Meetings is presented (pdf
- MEB -> SF
- MBs allocation is slowing down.
- SSS have top priority concerning
installation. 100 SSS have been allocated so far.
- Three special SSS will be allocated in
the next days.
- Sector test meeting -> HB (pdf
- It is proposed
to define a list of people from LOC, which would like to participate in
the sector test.
- Feedback should
be given concering the proposed measurements during the sector test.
- Conclusions on the crossing schemes
for IP8  -> WH (pdf file)
- Due to aperture
issues for one spectrometer polarity, the option beta* = 1 m is dropped.
- The minimum beta*
will be 2 m (after the meeting WH confirms that under the conditions foreseen
for the LHC commissioning, this beta* is compatible with the requirements on
the luminosity for LHCb).
- The spectrometer
should be ramped, starting from zero or a small value.
- Aperture specification for the
triplet quadrupoles -> JBJ
- This point is
cancelled due to a clash with the WGA meeting
- Progress in the implementation of
solenoids in MADX
-> HB (pdf file)
- A number of
discussions took place: the proposed implementation requires some further
analysis. It is proposed to resume the discussion with FS once he is back for
Colour code:
- Black: proposed agenda
- Red: outcome of discussion at the meeting
Last update on 21-11-2005 16:45:00