Presents: RA, OB, HB, RdM, SF, MG, JBJ, JJ,
- Follow-up of actions from previous meetings
- Field errors for triplet magnets -> FS
- In spite of a number of mails sent to
CERN and US responsible, the data concerning field quality of single magnet
is not available, yet. MEB will be informed of the situation to take the
appropriate actions.
- Report from meetings
- LTC -> OB
- The status of the beam instrumentation
for LHC was presented: the longitudinal density monitor will not be
available since day 1. RF and ABP GRoups should think about specifications
for such an instrument. The time scale is about one month.
- There is serious concern for the BLM:
they might not all be available since day 1.
- Following a meeting of US-LARP it turned
out that the contribution in the LHC commissioning could be marginal.
- concerning the scrapers in the SPS: the
analysis of resources required to move them will be made in BDI. ABP should
analyse whether the collimators required for the LHC beam are compatible
with other beams, e.g. CNGS -> HB.
- SLM -> OB
- Problem with the ion source.
- MEB -> SF, MG
- Slot allocation of SSS continues as well
as discussion of missing cryodipoles for sectors 7-8 and 8-1. Strategy for
dipoles selection for sector 4-5 defined: massive slot allocation should
start in June 2005.
- FQWG -> AL
- Discussion of accuracy of transfer
function measurement for SSS correctors. Some follow-up required -> AL
- TCC -> JBJ
- Second crane is installed and it will be
soon commissioned in SMI2.
- IR7 integration was discussed.
- WGA -> JBJ
- Sources of concern for SSS: external
lines (new tolerances to be made available soon); inter-axis distance for
lattice sextupoles: source is unknown and investigations are on-going leaded
by AT/MAS Group.
- InjWG -> HB
- Analysis of trapped modes in TDI: this
might induce heating (no cooling is foreseen). This issue should be
followed-up by the RLC Section.
- Interlock of transfer line is under
- The position of the TCDI in TI2 is under
discussion: the horizontal could be moved nearer to the septum, while the
vertical should not move. Flexibility of the matching should be analysed.
- All collimators will
be available for installation well before beam commissioning in 2007: will
they be installed in the standard installation campaign or afterwards (but
before beam commissioning)? At the moment priority is given to minimise
overall risk for LHC performance (do not delay production of most important
collimators), while accepting a special installation of some collimators.
All effort is taken in the collimation project to match standard
installation slots without increasing the risk to LHC performance.
- If risks and delays
are encountered, the collimation project will propose that the priority will
be determined based on the overall performance reach of the LHC, no matter
whether this occurs first in the transfer line or the ring.
- CWG -> RA
- Preliminary discussion concerning Phase
II collimators are on-going in collaboration with SLAC.
- The studies concerning the energy
deposition are positive, thus confirming the design choice. Values of quench
limits are expected by K.-H. Mess.
- Tungsten will also
be used in IR3 for the active absorbers (while collimators will remain CC
as planned): the impedance should be checked (RLC Section) as well as
radionuclide produced.
- Main topics was the aperture kicker. It
was agreed to have it since day 1 with a strength enough to kick the beam
by 5 sigma at injection. In about 2 months the proposal should be
finalised and presented to the LTC.
- IR4 tuneability with reduced aperture -> AV (pdf
- Important issue: for achieving the quoted
tuneability of IR4 MQTLs are powered to about 35% of their nominal strength
(beam 1).
This is an important point due to the weakness of the produced magnets. The
required strength of MQTLs for beam 2 is not known, but the feeling is that it
should not be too much different with respect to beam 1 settings.
- The aperture bottleneck in IR4 is rather
bad for beam 1, as the halo generated in IR3 will be lost in IR4.
- The aperture bottleneck in IR4 is due to
the beam separation in the dog-leg magnets.
- Loss maps with all LHC collimators, diluters and absorbers
-> GRD (pdf file)
The new results show for
the first time the ideal cleaning efficiency of the full collimation and
protection system of the LHC (~50 collimators). This is a major achievement.
The results demonstrate that many problems (shown in previous loss maps) have
been successfully addressed by the addition of active absorbers and tertiary
collimators. The design choices (materials, lengths, positions) are fully
confirmed by the results."
- It is planned to include
various imperfections like orbit, beta beat, nonlinearities, etc.
- It is planned to include
a realistic beam energy distribution in upcoming studies
- The final cleaning
performance in IR3 and IR7 is limited by single-diffractive scattering and
losses at the high-dispersion point in the downstream superconducting arc.
This could only be overcome by adding a warm momentum cleaning section
directly downstream of the betatron cleaning. This is excluded for the LHC due
to missing space. Phase 2 will help somewhat by providing more absorption
- The tools are available
for usage in protection and beam loss studies for the first turns after
injection in the LHC.
- LOC activities in 2005 -> OB (pdf
- A general Group meeting will be held end of
May to present the activities of each Section.
- It is suggested to send agenda and minutes
of LTC meeting to LOC Members for information.
- It seems that 600 A power converters have
some performance problems: request for advice on impact on beam dynamics was
requested by F. Bordy. Feddback reqceived by SF and AL. MG should comment for
MQTL quadrupoles.
Colour code:
- Black: proposed agenda
- Red: outcome of discussion at the meeting
Last update on 19-05-2005 15:35:00