Presents: RA, OB, HB, SF, MG, JBJ, JJ, VK, AL,
- Report from meetings:
- SLM -> OB
- Board for ABP secretary next Friday
- LHCOP: review of the commissioning
structure. Feedback to OB by next Thursday
- LTC: V6.5 presented by Samy
- Review of Magnets axes measurements with AC moles -> JBJ
(pdf file)
- Following the review, the data in the
MAS database will be corrected by the end of this week
- MEB -> SF, MG
- 40 MBs missing to complete sector 8-1
- sector 7-8 to be completed within a
couple of weeks (MBs)
- Main issue: procedure to fiducialise
the MBs. With anticipated corrections (Firm dependent) the average
position is 0.3-0.4 mm, with an rms of 0.42 mm. The proposal by SF is to
adjust when extremities are outside a square of ±0.5 mm. MAS proposal, not
yet implemented in practice, is to monitor average and rms over production and react
if necessary: it will be discussed in the framework of the FQWG.
- Follow-up on the discussion on the aperture implementation
in the LHC sequence -> JBJ (pdf file), JJ
(pdf file), SR (pdf
- JJ+SR: to check that the aperture model
is the same in both approaches
- JJ+JBJ: to agree on changes with respect
to present capabilities of Mathematica tool
- JBJ: to contact Samy to verify the
conventions used for beam screen dimensions, to transmit our request, i.e.
having vacuum chamber data available form the database
- Follow-up on the Dynamic aperture studies for MQM
quadrupole magnets -> MG (pdf
- Progress on MQYs studies at next meeting
- MG: to prepare gradients vs time for
magnetic measurements of insertion quadrupoles
- OB: to re-discuss responsibility for IR2
- Latest results for the DA vs Q' and tune variation -> OB
- Status of the tracking model for LHC -> TR
- Consensus on having the measured magnetic
data from MTM always expressed from the connection end. Orientation will be
taken into account by ABP (to be decided whether in the error routines or
inside MAD).
- Meeting to be organised to discuss the
details (WH to be involved)
- Slot allocation for SSS of sector 8-1 -> AL (pdf file)
- discussion within the Magnet team:
quality factor defined
- robust solution found, slightly
different with respect to that presented at the previous meeting
(information concerning readiness of SSS folded in)
- To be presented this afternoon at MEB
- Specifications of mechanical tolerances for SSS -> JBJ (pdf
- final specifications ready and already
presented at MEB
- next issue is the computation of
mechanical tolerances for insertion quadrupoles (to be organised)
- An official request should be sent to
Fnal to get the FQ data of individual Q2 (not available on the CERN FQ
database) -> FS
Colour code:
- Black: proposed agenda
- Red: outcome of discussion at the meeting
Last update on 23-02-2005 12:10:00