Presents: CB, SF, MG,
- Follow-up of actions from previous meetings
- Beam 2 in MAD-X -> (Action: MG) (pdf
- Comparison of
optical parameters for beam 2 clockwise and counter-clockwise in MAD-X was
performed: excellent agreement.
- Comparison of
optical parameters for beam 2 counter-clockwise in MAD-X and SixTrack was
performed: excellent agreement.
- Comparison of
optical parameters for beam 2 clockwise in MAD-X and SixTrack was performed:
no agreement. It is suggested that the converter is not working properly for
bv=-1. Detailed checks should be performed (Action: FS).
- Next steps (Action:
- Compare beam 2
clockwise with bv=+1 in MAD-X and beam 2 clockwise with bv=-1 in SixTrack.
- Check tracking in
SixTrack using beam 2 counter-clockwise and a special version of beam
clockwise with bv=+1 (Action: TR).
- Report from meetings
- Sector test meeting -> HB
(minutes are available
- BLMs: issues of
calibrations discussed.
- List of studies
during sector test is available. Few more proposals were made by HB.
- 10 quenches are
foreseen. Each will require about 2 h to recover.
- Details concerning
the organisation of the sector test are not available, yet. Two sessions
will be devoted to this at the forthcoming Chamonix Workshop.
- InjWG -> HB
- A study concerning
the impact on the LHC (quench of magnets) due to a major failure in the
transfer line was presented: no major issue found.
- A review of the
injection protection devices was made: delivery schedule is tight, but no
delay is expected so far.
- A note will be
prepared to summarise the studies concerning the optics flexibility of the
LHC injection lines, including a cost estimate of the installation of
additional collimators in view of improving the flexibility (Action: HB,
- MEB -> SF
- MBs allocation is
in stand-by, waiting for the last few magnets required to complete sector
3-4 and 4-5 to be available.
- SSS have top
priority for the installation. 100 SSS have been allocated so far.
- Three special SSS
have been allocated on the left side of IP8.
- By the end of 2005
the following results should be achieved:
- Complete the
allocation/approval of 4 sectors of MBs
- Complete the
allocation/approval of 3 sectors of SSS
- Complete the
pre-allocation of sector 3-4 for the SSS
- SLM -> MG
- Degradation of
network performance was discussed and a solution found: two routers will be
installed. The need of a wireless LAN is under consideration.
- On 14/12/2005
there will be a presentation at the LTC concerning the organisation of the
LHC commissioning.
- RHIC will be
shut-down until September 2006 due to budget cuts.
- LTC -> MG
- Main topic of
interest was the review of the Field Quality Working Group activities.
- MAC -> JJ
- The next meeting
will be held on December 8th until December 10th.
- A review of the
Field Quality Working Group and MEB activities will be given.
- FZ will replace JJ
as Scientific Secretary of the MAC.
- Chamonix Workshop organisation ->
- List of attendees
from LOC was prepared by MG: feedback was given. The final version will be
communicated to OB.
- Draft
programme is
available including
proposals for talks and speakers.
- Any feedback should
be sent to MG.
- Status of optics database -> TR (pdf
- Following the recent
results of the aperture studies for IR8, the situation concerning the optics
configuration with protons is clear.
- Various
configuration will be made available in the database.
- Additional
information is required for the ions, such as (Action: JJ):
- optics for IR2 with
beta* = 1 m for early ions scheme
- definition of the
optical configuration and crossing scheme for IR1, IR5 and IR8 both for the
early ion and nominal situation.
- A dependence of the
crossing angle on the setting of the spectrometer compensator is proposed for
IR2 and IR8: the meaning and use of the switches on_x*, on_sep*, on_lhcb,
on_alice is not changed.
- A new switch to
select proton or ions configuration will be introduced: a proposal will be
presented in a forthcoming meeting.
- All the changes will
be implemented upon agreement with the people performing numerical studies.
- The ultimate goal is
to update the web pages with the optical configurations.
- Quadrupole vibrations and emittance
-> FZ (pdf file)
- On behalf of FZ, MG
presents few slides.
- Quadrupole
vibrations at few kHz could generate random kicks, which heat the beam
inducing an emittance growth.
- These vibration
could also come from the vibration of the beam screen in the cold bore induced
by the He flow.
- Similar phenomena
(already considered in the framework of studies for the future linear
colliders) have been observed at RHIC and Tevatron.
- A meeting was called
with AT-MAS specialists to discuss about a measurement campaign to assess the
seriousness of the problem for the LHC.
- A SSS will be used
and it will be equipped with sensors to measure the vibration modes of the
whole structure, the damping between the cold mass and the cryostat. In case,
measurements in cold conditions could be envisaged.
Colour code:
- Black: proposed agenda
- Red: outcome of discussion at the meeting
Last update on 21-11-2005 15:45:00