Presents: RA, CB, SF,
- Follow-up of actions from previous meetings
- Correction of aperture database (Action: TR, MG).
- MG reports that
S. Chemli presented the status of the database concerning aperture:
- Beam screens of Q3 were wrong since the
removal of the TASB. The length at warm from the vacuum group (CDD drawings we
decoded) was wrong. This is now corrected and there should be no overlaps
between Q3 and the DFBX. LSS3 had been re-entered in August, LSS7 is still
out-of-date, LSS8 is currently being re-entered.
- Given this situation, it is decided to wait
until the status of the database is improved, before making any additional
attempt of data extraction.
- Verification of
the aperture in IR8 (Action: WH, JBJ).
- Verification still pending.
- Additional check of the electrical drawings for point 8
(Action: MG).
- MG reports that the drawings concerning the
electrical circuits for IP8 are ready as well as a revised version of the list
of conventions for the polarities prepared by S. Russenschuck.
- The material will be distributed to the
people responsible for the various classes of magnets for verifications.
- P. Proudlock will be contacted to
understand the details of the generation of the electrical drawings from the
official database. (Action: MG).
- Report from meetings
- MEB -> SF
- approval of cryodipoles for sector 3-4 is
in progress and allocation of cryodipoles for sector 4-5 will restart soon.
- LTC -> RA
- A discussion on the quench limits for
cryodipoles with lead ions led to the conclusion that the 4.5 mJ/cm3/s is
very likely too conservative (even though no consensus was achieved among
- A discussion of the emittance blow-up
induced by beam measurements led to the conclusion that such a blow-up is
probably negligible.
- Optic squeeze generation using a new
Newton-Raphson based matching routine in Mad X
-> RdM (pdf file)
- The routine was
developed to deal with the matching and the squeeze sequence for a novel
layout of LHC interaction region.
- It allows dealing
with different types of constraints, both on the matching variables and on
derived quantities.
- It proves to be
powerful in particular for the computation of the squeeze sequence.
- The routine will be
part of the new release of MAD-X
- It is proposed to
test the routine to improve the squeeze sequence for IR8.
- Discussion of the Commissioning
preparation meeting at the next LTC -> MG
- An account of the
on-going discussions were given by OB at the LOC meeting held on 15/03/05.
- The organisation of
the LHC commissioning was based on a scheme presented by R. Bailey at the ABMB
and LHCOP. It foresees: Machine Co-ordinators (3-4), Commissioners (many from
ABP-LOC), EICs (from OP).
- A brainstorming
discussion is scheduled for the LTC meeting to held on September 7th: there, a
revised version of the organisation for the commissioning will be presented.
- RA reports
about the results of the collimator flatness after the tests in 2004. The
specifications are between 0.040 mm to 0.050 mm. After the tests the flatness
was degraded between 0.200 mm and up to 0.300 mm. Indeed, the metallic support
(copper) is deformed, but not the jaws. A solution is at hand, i.e. replace
copper with an appropriate alloy. Analysis of the impact of the measured shape
of the collimators on the collimation efficiency are in progress.
- TR reports
that the crossing angles in the official optics database have still to be
fixed. A new version of the MAKETHIN command, which works fine, is ready, but
not in the official release of MAD-X. Waiting for the new MAD-X release the
following files were provided to the users:
Instructions are added to the README file of
directory /afs/
- New THIN sample jobs:
- to be used
ONLY with MADX versions later than June 2005. Slicing is done on-line and
numbers of slices are as in V6.4.
- job.sample.thin.madx temporary
version using a THIN sequence, no on-line slicing (to be replaced by the above
sample job when the next MADX version will be released).
- They produce the same thin LHC machine.
- The slicing file used in the first job
contains a patch to 'reproduce' a bug originating from V6.4 (all thin strength
files were made with this bug present).
- A slicing file without this bug is already
available for future LHC versions in V6.500/toolkit/slice.madx. As the bug
concerns the MQWB.5xxx (2 slices in beam 1, 1 slice in beam 2) the insertions
3 and 7 require slightly different quadrupole strengths in beam 2.
- FS reports:
- MAD-X version 3,
which will include PTC and the new version of the MAKETHIN command, will be
released in few days.
- A MAD-X Day is
schedule for September 23rd.
- A problem with
SixTrack (compilation) is fixed now.
- E. McIntosh
will leave already by the end of 2005. The new release of the scripts to run
SixTrack is ready and a Forum should be organised soon. The issue of computing
support for ABP is rather urgent and serious.
Colour code:
- Black: proposed agenda
- Red: outcome of discussion at the meeting
Last update on 09-09-2005 20:58:00