Presents: HB, MG, WH, BJ, DK, YP, TR, FS, TW, FZ.
- Report from meetings
- A problem occurred with warm quads field quality. They will be
discussed during next meeting.
- LTC-> MG
- Crisis with objects inside the beam pipe, observed by
technique from T. Kroyer and F.Caspers.
- Next LTC for issues of the 450GeV commissioning, with talks
by SF, MG and RA.
- Status of the optics database ->
- New error routines available, with ability to use combination
with statistical and measured errors and cleaner structure.
- In the triplet correction, an accidental change of names in
the power supplies and correctors triggered SF routines not to work anymore for
This is now corrected. A discussion is followed regarding the
name conventions. Normally the old names will be used with the next
version unless hardware issues will impose to change the name.
- Some problems were discovered with triplet corrector
polarities of the database. MG mentions that there may be an issue, as
old polarity
conventions were used for the approval of drawings. TR said that this
was followed up with S. Russenschuck.
- Status of the MADX on-line model -> FS
- Central communication with the control system through SDDS
and SDDS converter is ready as a part of MADX (but not of the standard release
due to copyright issue of the SDDS part).
- Data from MADX can be offered in desired format.
- SDDS browser was set-up and it can now be used in the controls
- Possible fellow candidate was found and gives a talk this
- DA studies for collisions at 450 GeV -> MG
- Summary results for three configurations: standard injection,
and two optics devised by SF: β* of 6 m (round beams), and β* of 6/3.7 m
(flat beams)
- Average DA and spread is very comparable, but below 10σ for 15o
and 30o.
- Next step is try to correct with triplet correctors.
- Spool pieces off in 50% of the machine and DA for the two
optics is compared. SF argues that this is not realistic because the
spool pieces that are missing should be driven in order to correct the
chromaticity. The use of the chromatic sextupoles to compensate for the missing
spool pieces might induce a very large local β-beating if
combined with closed orbit distortion.
- SF points out that the V6.4 and V6.5 optics have remarkably comparable
DA w/o taking into account the b6 and b10 hysteresis effects in MQM and MQY
magnets (see EPAC paper and LOC minutes 28/03/06 for a detailed analysis of
the hysteresis effects for insertion quadrupoles). On the other hand the
present results seem to indicate the hysteresis effects indeed lead to a
drop of the DA by 1s for V6.5 bringing it to 9.5sigma. SF expresses his concern for this
results and will check in more detail, in particular to his code, written
for V6.4, to see whether the DA reduction is not an artifact due to the new
and more uniform slicing protocol adopted for the LHC V6.500 for MQM/MQY.
- FZ questions if there is any chance to
correct the effect and SF replies that this could be achieved by using special
de-magnetisation cycles for MQM and MQY. However, this would have an adverse
effect on the transfer function.
- DK asked which error table is used and MG replies that this
is 0605 available form the official database.
Colour code:
Black: proposed agenda
Red: outcome
of discussion at the meeting
Last update on 03-07-2006 18:00:00
& YP