- Follow-up of actions from
previous meetings
- New web pages for V6.500 optics version ->
JJ (pdf
- New features
have been added to the main page (e.g. hierarchy), the configuration
pages and the table of contents (e.g. spreadsheet output). New features
will be added for survey and aperture.
- MG asked that the info for new web pages is not distributed
until finalised.
- Impact of quadrupole misalignment at SPS
extraction on TI8 performance -> AK (pdf
- Follow up of Werner's suggestion on moving down one
quadrupole at TI8.
- Maximum 10μrad of strength in correctors recover
the orbit.
- The change in dispersion is minimal (a few mm).
- Updated
optics files of the line from V. Kain have to be checked as well
tilt of SPS and horizontal displacement).
- Report from meetings
- Problem with SpSSS geometry is being investigated. SR studied
the impact of this on
collimation (to be reported).
- DA comparison for V6.4 and V6.5 at injection ->
- Postponed for a subsequent meeting.
- Discussion of a new optics for IR7 (and IR3) ->
TR (table)
- Dispersion was compensated for gaining aperture in IR7 by
changing phase advance and recovering it in IR4. Certain new rules
for n1 have to be followed, i.e. n1=7 in QF and n1=6.7 in QD quadrupoles are the
new specifications.
- SF explained that due to a bug in the evaluation code, n1 in defocussing quads was
reduced to 6.7. Otherwise, there would have not been enough no mechanical aperture.
- Bad aperture at Q8 for Beam 1 (injection constraints) in IR2.
- TR pointed out that aperture was increased for both beams in both IRs (see table).
- Next step of the study will be IR3 (collimators should be
- MG mentioned that TOTEM optics has also to be checked.
- MG asked about the peak of beta in IR6 for Beam 2? TR answered
that there is no problem.
- Status of the optics studies for TOTEM -> HB (pdf
- 90m optics for early
commissioning is available
for both beams.
- Naming
issues checked and fixed.
- Small horizontal tune problem (ΔQ=0.083) to be recovered in
- Last task to include the file in V6.500 database (TR).
- MG asked to check it with new IR7 optics (decreased phase
- SF suggested that the tune-shift can be accepted or its
correction can be absorbed in IR1 and IR5.
- HB mentioned a preliminary solution with QF and QD and
the trims in
the arcs. SF argued trims are better for operation as there is no big
impact to beta
beating (5%). SF suggests to test the 90m even at injection, as there
will be
plenty of aperture, but maybe a problem with the peak at Q6. HB said
that there should be no problem, but it will be checked.
- MG asked whether there are any hardware limitations. HB said that it
will be checked.
- Internal deadline for the EPAC papers was set 16th of July
(papers to Oliver). Main issue is not
to mention dates of LHC commissioning
- LHC-MAC will take place next week (with talks by RA on
collimation , SF on flat
LHC beam upgrade option, MG on latest DA studies).
Colour code:
Black: proposed agenda
Red: outcome
of discussion at the meeting
Last update on 20-06-2006 17:10:00
& YP