Presents: HB, MG, WH, JJ, YP, FR,
- Follow up of actions
- Squeeze study for LHCCWG -> YP (pdf
file), MG
(pdf file)
- IR8: YP shows that at the end of the ramp with injection
settings there is no problem. Only the vertical separation is larger at
the end of the ramp with respect to the nominal collision case, but correctors have enough
- MG presents the work in progress with SF for the linear
matched optics from 11m to 9m for IR1 and 5. The key optics quantities, such as
tunes, chromaticities and beta values at IP are plotted for both the
matched optics (beta*=11 m and 9 m) and intermediate optics obtained by
linear scaling of the gradients.
- Report from meetings
- ATLAS high-beta TDR -> HB
- Per Grafstrom informed HB that the ATLAS Collaboration wants to write a TDR for
the high-beta optics, and would like to have a contribution on
machine parameters. WH will help
writing this high-beta optics chapters (high beta experience on SPS).
- Early TOTEM optics (90 m) are within the tuning range, by
retuning IR4. A presentation will be given during the next meeting.
- MG suggests to have a final optics for V6.500. One should be
careful with TDR write-up, in order not to give wrong impression about the viability
of certain options, as for the high-beta option the integer part of the tune is
different from the nominal value. For the time being there is not
coherent scheme to inject with a tune compatible with the one imposed by the
high-beta option.
- MEB -> MG
- Installation puts more and more pressure on the evaluation of
- TCC -> MG
- JBJ attended the meeting. Pressure test are going on for the
QRL in arc 1-2.
Interconnect for 7-8 finished and pressure test will start soon.
- An ECR from BT group was presented for including vacuum
valves in every kicker.
A presentation by RA reported
about the collimators installation schedule.
- Meeting devoted to timing issues
- HB raised the question of having a statement concerning
luminosity measurements in
the early stage of LHC commissioning. It turned out that the nominal
monitoring system will not be performing well enough. However, it was
decided that no special
effort can be dedicated to improve the current baseline. The same approach is followed for the the low
energy run.
- JJ informed that the optics for collisions at 450 GeV are
published on the web.
Colour code:
Black: proposed agenda
Red: outcome
of discussion at the meeting
Last update on 21-11-2006 13:30:00
& YP