Present: RA, CB, HB, SF, MG, BJ, JJ, AK, RdM, YP, GRD, TR, FS, TW
- Follow-up of actions from
previous meetings
- Transverse
displacement of IP2: beam-beam separation (WH)
- This subject was postponed for a future meeting. BJ mentioned
that the study should include IP8 as well.
- Generation of new web
pages for the optics V6.500
- News from the optics
database -> TR
- Aperture
- Files from SR were included and JJ
produced a compressed version of the aperture model (4 files:
with/without mechanical tolerances B1/B2).
- RA asked about the use of the aperture
model. MG said that it is very important for MEB activities (magnet
geometry qualification).
- BJ asked for some documentation and
follow up of changes. RA commented that the aperture model should be
considered as frozen and SR cannot further follow up due to his
activities in the OP group.
- Version 6.501
- TR mentioned that polarity check and
debugging was done in particular in the triplet correctors.
- Misalignment errors work for MBs and
MQs but some complexity for the magnets from Q7 to the IP.
- RA asked when this version will
be ready in order to make some cross-checking for the beam losses and
collimation activities. TR replied that Sammy Chemli will finalise the
layout soon.
- JJ mentioned that some new tools with
Mathematica were developed in order to handle the class hierarchies
through the oracle database.
- Report from meetings
- MEB, LTC -> MG
- Presentation and approval activity continued for SSS,
dipoles, triplets and warm dipoles.
- Hot topic is the MB allocation of sector 6-7 and conflicts
between magnet production and installation schedule.
- TCC -> BJ
- The problems with the QRL are over.
- No news about new database schedule.
- Sector test meeting
-> HB, MG
- HB announced that the sector test will very unlikely not take
place this year as DFBs are not available.
- A discussion took place on the commissioning of the
collimators. RA added that an operational model is needed and some
realistic scenarios depending on the beam, beta beat and orbit
- Collimation meetings
-> RA
- An issue with the RF finger tests on industry occurred, due
to the absence of smooth handling. There may be an aperture reduction
from 60 to 58mm. BJ will check for IR6.
- The position for the collimation for TOTEM is 15σ and the
request for 5 to 10σ is impossible to be fulfilled.
- FQWG -> RdM (minutes are
available here)
- RdM presented some results on the emittance blow up due to
the vibration of the beam screen in the LHC dipoles with frequencies of
a few kHz. A preliminary study indicates that this gives a field
variation of 10-8 which may double the emittance in 10h. A
request for additional measurements in an LHC dipole was made but it
may not be easy due to the tight LHC schedule.
- Collimation: First Beam 2 Results and Input for
Studies in the IR -> TW (pdf
- The simulation for producing loss maps tracks 5 million
particles over 200 turns and records loss location with a 10cm resolution.
- Out of the 5 available optics flavors (V6.500) , simulation
was done for 4 of them so far, and
- Some special simulations were also performed with
increased gap configurations for the TCTV
(impedance reduction).
- At injection, the vertical efficiency is better than the
horizontal for both beams. TR mentioned that due to a bug there was an
asymmetry in the optics between the two beams in IR5 and this may
explain the asymmetry observed in the collimation efficiency
- At collision, the collimation efficiency is equivalent in
both planes.
- Special simulations were done for the IRs for understanding
quench threshold and cleaning efficiency with tertiary collimator and
create loss maps as input for shower studies (MARS) for estimating background in
- Advances on the MAD-X on-line model -> FS (pdf
- MADX 3.03 version completed and frozen.
- Main MADX limitation for on-line modeling is field errors
assignment. This may be solved with a special version called MADXP
(MADX+PTC). RA, HB and MG express their concern regarding the ability
to use the on-line model for off-line tracking with SIXTRACK, if the
MADXP solution is adopted, without the ability to create easily an
equivalent on-line MADX input.
- The communication with the control system will be done
through tfs tables (transformation to SDDS and vice versa).
- A fellow will be recruited to help on the task.
- First results for collimation commissioning and
error scenarios -> CB
- The talk was postponed for the next meeting due to lack of
Colour code:
Black: proposed agenda
Red: outcome
of discussion at the meeting
Last update on 29-05-2006 10:00:00
& YP