Present: RA, CB, HB, SF, MG, WH, BJ, JJ, AK, RdM, YP, GRdM, SR, TR, FS, RT, TW, FZ
- Follow-up of actions
from previous meetings
- LHC optics news and
modifications -> MG, HB, TR
- MG reported that due to a very bad geometry of an SSS magnet
allocated at Q11R7, the aperture tolerance was exceeded (n1=6.5)
especially because of the high dispersion at this location (d=2.6m). TR
provided a solution giving up the phase advance constraint in order to
diminish beta and dispersion (also for IR3). An SSS with equally bad
geometry will come soon to MEB for approval and probably a similar
action will have to be taken.
- HB and TR reported that Angeles Faus-Golfe produced a thin
lens optics file for the TOTEM optics, but the optics is not exactly
matched in the arcs. TR will try to rematch the optics accordingly
- TR reported that he is working on the new version of the
optics V6.501. The thin lens version revealed a problem of high beta
function in IR6 (700 m), which probably existed also in old version as
it was not properly optimized. RA asked if this version is approved and TR replied that the sequence file is not ready and a presentation will
be made in the future indicating the applied changes (IR3, IR7 aperture
issue mentioned above and the impact to IR4).
- Web pages for V6.500 optics -> JJ (pdf
- JJ presented the new optics version web-pages. New features
have been added to the main page (e.g. hierarchy), the configuration
pages and the table of contents (e.g. spreadsheet output). New features
will be added for survey and aperture.
- Report from meetings
- MEB -> SF
The board continued the work of discussion and approval of
several magnets including dipoles, SSS, SpSSS and insertion quads (IR5
left completed). In the future, MQW and MBW will be discussed.
Some Q9 magnets (assembly
with MQ and 2 MQTL) with
very bad geometry have been produced (beam tube variation from -1 to
+1.6mm). By chance there is no major aperture limitation but a follow
up of the assembly procedure seems necessary. RA remarked that such
aperture changes may influence the shower effect on the halo losses and
a FLUKA simulation should be done to see the impact.
SF stated that if this is a limitation a magnet by magnet survey should
be made. MG questioned if the collimation team should be part of the
evaluation procedure. RA replied that this is not necessary, but it is
good to check the effect (Action: MG, SR).
- SLM -> MG
Hans Grote was appointed as honorary member of AB Dept. and he
will continue helping on MADX.
The visit of a KEK collaborator was approved who will help
with LHC commissioning.
Following the HEP strategy group meeting in Zeuthen, the DG
announced the CERN priorities for the future.
- Collimation meetings
-> RA
GB presented simulations for the optimized positions of the
BLMs for ions. The number of BLMs still has to be discussed.
There was the monthly LARP video conference meeting for the
phase II collimators. A new, more efficient work plan was put in place
for Fermilab (N. Mokhov), including quench limits and backgrounds for
IR5. Initial simulations showed that the TCT may become radioactive in
IR5 and shielding may be needed but more work is necessary to fully
confirm this. SLAC made a prototype for phase II.
A proposal for a collimation R&D project with European funds
(40ME) was initiated. First it was rejected, but finally approved by the
DG. It is the 3rd largest package from CERN and corresponds to 50 FTEs
for 5 years (half from Europe)
- First results for collimation commissioning and
error scenarios -> CB (pdf
- Following the commissioning scenarios, more and more
collimators are needed with increasing intensity
- Loss maps show that phase I collimators cannot sustain
nominal beam intensity and phase II collimators needed (30 additional)
- Early commissioning scenario can be devised by using a simple
two stage collimation using the tertiary as secondary, with two
a) 10% of nominal with nominal optics b) relaxing aperture of TCT
and TCDQs by 1.5σ to get acceptable inefficiency level with β*=2m).
- Error scenarios were studied where secondary becomes primary
for any of the beams at injection and collision for horizontal halo.
- For Beam 1, @ injection the highest peak is shifted from
primary to secondary collimator as expected and in IR2 and 3 there is a
10-fold increase of losses. If losses are not taking place in
collimators some areas get a factor of 100 higher (10 times above the
quench limit). Equivalent features are present at collision (tertiary
collimators act as secondary) and for Beam 2 (better at injection).
- Simulations showed necessity of two-stage collimation and
provide input to BI group for positioning of BLMs.
- Ideas on beta-beating correction -> RT (pdf
- The beta-beating observable is the phase advance as
"measured" in consecutive BPMs with standard FFT or SVD techniques
kicked turn-by-turn data. The correction circuit values are computed by
solving a linear system with SVD.
- Simulation ingredients include measured errors + Gaussian
noise of 5 units for b2 uncertainty, rms misalignments on
the sextupoles (σ = 2 mm) and
Gaussian noise in phase estimation to take into account BPM noise,
decoherence and kick amplitude (σ = 0.2ο from analytical
estimate). RA mentioned that an error due
to a wrong setting in individual quadrupole may induce large
beta-beating. RT replied that this can be included but this
study is just to verify if the correction method works.
- First results, indicate a peak beta-beating before correction
of 70%, which drops to 15% after correction. The whole procedure needs
maximum 5 iterations. Future studies will include several other effect
(feed-down from b3, quad tilt, etc).
- SF mentioned that it is important to include the feed down
effect from misalignment or orbit error on the sextupole spool pieces
and to control also the dispersion beating. MG suggested to check the minimum
number of correctors required (MIKADO approach). RdM suggested to
normalize with the corrector strength for having equivalent knobs.
- Advances on the MAD-X on-line model -> FS (pdf
- Misunderstanding over the connection between the off and
on-line model: they will be indeed connected but their purpose and
tasks are different. Clear advantage of off-line model (MADXP)
assignment of "true" thick element errors.
- First milestone is ready: SDDS interface for MADX to be
tested with CNGS commissioning. SR mentioned that SDDS may not be used
by BPM, but tfs. WH replied that this is fully compatible with MADX.
- Relative survey alignment references in the SPS
and the CNGS line -> WH (pdf
- An alignment issue was found in the TT40/41 transfer
line (CNGS but also LHC): it is 2-3mm above the SPS level. TR asked if this
is an error propagated due to the different reference system of the two
machines. WH answered that probably this is the case.
- The effect is ±7 mm of orbit which cannot be corrected
with present orbit correctors. The proposal, to be presented in LTC, is
to shift one single quadrupole -1.2mm down, below the TT40/41 line,
which compensate the offset and reduces the corrector strength to
acceptable levels. As the optics fo rthe LHC transfer is not exactly the same,
the impact of the quadrupole misalignment will have to be checked (Action:
Color code:
Black: proposed agenda
Red: outcome
of discussion at the meeting
Last update on 02-06-2006 21:30:00
& YP