Presents: CB, HB, WH,
- Follow-up of actions from previous
Transverse displacement of IP2: beam-beam separation and crossing angle
-> JJ (pdf file)
- An improved
solution with a value of the IP displacement of 1.5 mm in the vertical plane
is presented (it was 1 mm in the previous presentation).
- The beam-beam
separation can be recovered by increasing the crossing angle: no issues for
the correctors' strength.
- The results will
be distributed and this will be enough for supporting the magnet evaluation
- Report from meetings
- LTC -> SF
- The main item was the follow-up of
Chamonix Workshop.
- Topics relevant for LOC activities are:
- Need for an accelerator physicist to be responsible for detector background
Steve Myers states that he has asked Helmut Burkhard to fill this responsibility.
- LHCb polarity change transparency: clarification up to which beta* value this will be possible
ACTION: Werner Herr and AB-ABP-LOC
- Future of magnetic test
facilities -> MG
- Half-day
- Review of the
present facilities (cold tests/measurements): Block 4, SM18, FRESCA.
- In addition: two
facilities for warm magnets measurements and instruments calibration.
- Preliminary
- Keep resources
and infrastructures operational to cope with unforeseen events at LHC
- Then, re-organisation
of the present facilities will be launched.
- Preliminary analysis of needs for MAD-X on-line model ->
- The analysis is not available, yet.
- Most of the efforts were devoted in
refining the MADX version including PTC in view of application to the
on-line modelling.
- This activity, being a crucial one for
this year, will be kept as a regular item in the LOC agenda to ease meeting
the tight deadlines (CNGS commissioning).
- Brainstorming discussion on missing/required data in
optics database -> All (pdf file)
- A number of items that should be
available from the official optics database is presented.
- There is a general consensus on the list.
- The first action will concern the
availability of the aperture model. A dedicated meeting will be organised
- SR sent a mail to communicate two issues:
- A number of issues were communicated to
Samy concerning the aperture model in the official LHC database: a reminder
will be sent.
- Slight differences were found (also
highlighted by JJ) between the aperture model used for the collimation
studies and the one used for the magnet evaluation activity (see
an example of the specification table for the BS).
A cross-check is required (JBJ).
Colour code:
Black: proposed agenda
Red: outcome of discussion at the meeting
Last update on 12-05-2006 14:45:00