Presents: RWA, CB, RdM, SF, MG, WH, BJ, JJ, YP, FR, TR, FS, TW, FZ.
- Follow up of actions
- Closed orbit correction in IR3 and cooling
issues -> TR
- Orbit distortion (simulated by means of dipolar field errors in MQWs +
displacement of MQWs 1mm in both planes) are generated to evaluate the strength needed for orbit correctors
in IR3.
- In the case of dipolar field errors in MQWs, the maximum
strength needed is less than 0.1T at 7 TeV.
- A strength of 0.2-0.25T at 7 TeV is needed for the displacements in
the quads of 1mm in both
planes (the corrections achieves a reduction from 4mm peak orbit to 0.2mm).
Hence, the previous estimate that the closed orbit correctors will be
powered to 30% level is confirmed.
- Aperture analysis of the improved optics
solutions prepared by TR -> MG
- Comparison between old and new optics in IRs.
- In IR2, the main effect is the diminishing of the peak
dispersion on the left side of the IP for both beams. The 3 unit loss
of aperture is not critical as it occurs in an area where there was
margin (n1=13 before).
- In the momentum collimation IR3 there are very small
differences. JBJ comments that the difference in dispersion may
influence the conditions of collimation. TR replied that the impact is
small (Beam1 is slightly better and Beam2 is slightly worse). MG says
that the collimation team should verify. SF comments that the
difference should come from the change of the phase advance, as from Q6
to Q6
the optics is not touched. With respect to aperture, the new optics is
slightly improved.
- In IR4, there are very small differences for Beam1 and it
seems that there is no difference for Beam2 (to be checked). There is a
decrease of 4σ
in the aperture of beam1 around Q9. The bottleneck is seen in Q8
(6.6σ). This may be an argument to use IR1 and 5 for adjusting the
- For IR7, there is a big difference in dispersion of IR7, but
the impact in aperture is small. Actually the situation has been
improved for several bottlenecks.
- In IR8, the loss of aperture is in areas where there was a
lot of margin.
- The missing part in the analysis of the gradients of MQTL
which should not exceed the performance of some week elements.
- The tuning of IR4 has to be assessed as well, i.e., it should be
checked whether we are still in the inner part of the tuning range.
- TR comments that at least in IR2, 8, 3 and 7 there may be an
aperture problem at Q6 (6.9 to 6.5 in Q6L2 for beam2).
- LTC actions -> MG (pdf
- Following the presentation of YP at the LHCCWG, additional
follow up for the VELO aperture in IR8 was asked, as well as the issues of time
constant for the warm magnets for the spectrometer bump compensation. YP will finalize
this in the next couple of weeks and he will report it back to LOC.
- Report from meetings
- MEB -> MG
- The level of 1000 approved dipoles and
300 approved SSS was reached.
- An issue was raised for Q2 for which there is no working spare (as
such a spare magnet feature a non-working
heater). K.-H. Mess stated that the magnet
cannot be considered
installable in the tunnel and it can not be repaired (it is worth noting
that the rescue
facility at
CERN will not be started up in the coming years). This serious issue was recorde in
the minutes and the chairman of the MEB will report it during the LTC
in order for the AB management to take note. SF suggests to
focus on the spare policy of the US magnets as also the D1 spare magnet suffers
from serious non-conformitites.
- On the field quality side, the first Q6 for IR7 was presented
and due to some problems with the supports, all 4 Q6 will have a
vertical difference between the mechanical and magnetic axis of 1mm. We
may have to
find an optimal shift to trade off between mechanical aperture and the
strength of the dipole corrector needed to compensate the kick from the
displacement of the magnetic axis. At the injection level (measurements at
cold) there is a b6
-43 units. For the other MQTL, the b6 was measured (at warm) to be
positive positive (about 7 units). However, it turned out that the warm
mole is too short to measure the contribution from the magnet heads.
Tests with a longer mole showed that the total b6 is essentially zero
(heads and body contributions almost compensate). A new tracking
campaign will be launched.
- SLM -> MG
- News on contract policy will be
announced in the next
group meeting.
- There are several discussion on the
new policy of
non-resident allowance. On the career evolution side, the DG proposed
to speed it
up at the beginning of the career and than saturation.
- Interested participants in PAC07
should make a request before submitting abstracts.
- FQWG -> MG
- The follow-up on the measurement program of MQM and MQY
quadrupoles was
presented and discussed. A cross-calibration between magnetic measurements at
Block 4 and SM18 is required. The issue of magnetic permeability for the
laminations of the MQY makes this task rather difficult. MG asked at the
meeting to put all efforts on this topic, as the knowledge of the
transfer function for MQYs has a strong impact on beta-beating at
injection. JPK will
report on the status of the cold magnetic measurements of insertion quadrupoles at a future LTC
Presentation of YP on IR bumps (see previous point).
- Draft presentation of LOC activities at ABP Group
meeting -> MG
- The presentation reviews the several activities of the
section (Magnet, LHC commissioning, LHC optics, MADX on-line model,
software tools and collimation).
- Issues with IT support -> FS
- Due to the staff problems in IT, a lot of support will
be canceled (including FORTRAN, MATHEMATICA, etc), but without
concrete information.
- Oliver is informed and is following up this issue.
- The problems encountered with CASTOR have been analyzed and Eric McIntosh
will provide a new version of the tracking environment to take into account
the improvements.
- Boinc will be discontinued and CPSS is in an unclear
state. The needs for
tracking from collimation, upgrade and LHC commissioning have to be
reported to Oliver.
Documentation is needed for the new tracking environment.
- The CVS repository of the optics file has been constructed by
and TR. Only optics versions starting from V6.4 will be included in the
repository. Of course, the files will be always
available under afs.
- RWA asked about the transverse position of collimators in the
ring depending on the
position of the beam. Following the discussion it is decided that:
- The collimation team (TW) will
provide a script to install the collimators in the official V6.500 LHC
- TR will generate a survey file
that will be stored in the official repository under afs for further use.
Color code:
Black: proposed agenda
Red: outcome
of discussion at the meeting
Last update on 29-09-2006 16:30:00
& YP