Present: GB, SF, MG, JJ, JBJ, AK, LN, YP, SR, TR
- Follow-up of actions from
previous meetings
- Status of LHC aperture model -> SR
- Beam screens
- No engineering specification
available (MAD file data sent by Samy).
- Not particularly big difference but
for separation dipoles (up to 0.5 mm).
- Waiting for Samy for
final approval.
- Temporary files with two headers
(with/without tolerances), even if it is not a good idea to work on
this file, as it will evolve.
- JJ asked for the final file for the
work of GB on the collimation line of I-LHC
- MG proposed to wait for the final
approval by Samy, in order to avoid mistakes. Then the version should
be frozen.
- Status of LHC optics database and magnet
polarities -> TR
- Database people are in favour of including magnet polarity
conventions in MAD sequence file..
- The time needed for applying the changes is a few days and a
few weeks will be needed for debugging.
- Two versions of optics version 6.501 will be built: one with
old and one with the new convention, in order to proceed to a detail
comparison of the two, and the final release.
- Report from meetings
- MEB -> MG
- A long list of dipoles for sector 5-6 was approved.
- SSS and SpSSS allocation was continued.
- For ensuring that the beam screen orientation is
correct on the SpSSS (depends on b1/b2 and connection orientation), a
photo will be taken when they are mounted. A table from JBJ will be
given to SMI2 to close the loop between ABP/LOC and AT.
- IR quads will be discussed on today's MEB.
- JBJ asks JJ for providing the missing option for displacing
transversally the
IP in IR2 to increase the available aperture and then update the aperture
tolerances in view of triplet approval (Action: JJ, deadline two months).
- FQWG -> MG
- A memo was produced and endorsed with the proposal of
reducing the AC mole measurements to 20% of the remaining SSS.
- A list of the critical magnets to be measured was provided by
YP to the SSS coordinator magnet (M. Modena)
- SLM -> MG
- Revised AB/AT committees
- LTC will evolve to LHC performance
- APC will remain as the committee
discussing performance issues up to the SPS.
- ATC will be revived with F. Bordry as
- ABOC will continue.
- ABIC will cease to exist.
- Working groups:
- FQWG will finish as there is not any
possibility to influence production anymore.
- For WGA, JBJ asked for its
continuation in 2006 as it is the only official way to influence the
geometry of hardware, but can be stopped in 2007.
- "Habilitation Electrique".
- From now on, anyone involved with
operation (SR), machine supervision (GB, YP) or LHC commissioning (RA, SF,
MG) has to pass the course for obtaining the "Habilitation electrique".
- A crash programme will be organized for
the group.
- SR questions if the new safety rules
will impact the commissioning work of the collimator team.
- Issues with IR6 -> MG
- Values lower than 3% of the
nominal powering were found by SF for the IR quadrupoles at Q8L6 and Q8R6.
- TR confirms that these
bounds were not taken into account during the matching. In particular,
2 quads are at 2.5% of their nominal strength, and their retuning to
acceptable levels induces aperture limitations.
- F. Bordry, on the other
hand, confirmed that the 2.5% current level can be still accommodated
and requested the final values.
- JBJ comments that the
aperture of the septa is not included in the database of Samy. A
special sequence exists (SF) based on an old optics version (before 6.5).
SR mentions that an automatic script for building the septa aperture
exists and it can be used to do calculations with the new optics version.
- SF comments that a new
sequence should be built including the imposed current bounds. TR asks
about the magnet types which need to have these bounds. SF replies that
only MQT and MQTL magnet can go below 3%.
- Sorting of main quadrupoles -> YP (pdf
- YP reminded the strategy
used for sorting the MQs, using the 2nd order resonance driving terms.
- For the 4 last sectors
(5-6, 6-7, 2-3 and 1-2), 4+4 coefficients (h/v, Beam 1/2) were minimized corresponding to the
b2 of the raw warm measurements and its extrapolation to cold, after
the permeability effect disappears.
- Several other optical
properties were controlled during the sorting (tune-shift, peak
beta-beating and dispersion).
- For Sector 5-6, 12 SSS with collars featuring high magnetic permeability were already
pre-allocated (10 paired and 2 marginal cases) and 10 SSS
of 3 different types have not beam assembled by ACCEL.
- The final results after sorting, reduce significantly the
beta beating (0.3% at the sector exit for the realistic case and less
than 1% for the raw b2).
- Peak beta beating within the sector is always less than
the specification (2.7%). SF questioned the representation in the same
figure of rms and peak values, which may induce confusion. YP agreed
and applied the corrections to the final version of the viewgraphs.
- The rest of the sectors will be discussed in one of the
next meetings due to lack of time.
- Sorting of warm D1s -> MG (pdf
- MG presented the status
of D1 dipoles and the analysis of their magnetic measurements.
- Magnet 9 has a b1 quite
different from the rest.
- A flip-flop strategy was
adapted for the correction of the orbit distortion and parasitic
- Field quality issues of MQTL quadrupoles -> MG (pdf
- MQTL presented ad number
of quench performance and field quality issues. Both problems were
treated (list of magnets with less demanding currents and production of
error tables + tracking).
- Latest production showed
some problematic MQTL in terms of field quality (b3, b4, a3, a4 b3,
b4, a3, a4) and target field errors used to qualify the magnets weres the one
specified for the MQTs. Crash programme for the impact of the actual
field quality on the LHC DA.
- Two cases were considered for the FQ from the magnetic measurements at
warm: one excluding and the other excluding the outliers.
- Results of preliminary DA
computations indicate that the measured field quality has a marginal
impact (outliers to be considered on a one-to-one basis).
- Additional studies
needed for impact of closed orbit (feed down).
- SR mentions that he
received a lot of request for collimation studies for final TOTEM
optics. From the Physics point of view, optics is finished and a
version is used for their calculations.
- MG replies that their
calculations are based on beam transfer along the IP, and any optics
(even the one with the strange integer tunes) can be used without
problem. For multi-turn tracking though, the problem of tunes has to be
solved and a final optics has to be produced (HB is is in charge).
Color code:
Black: proposed agenda
Red: outcome
of discussion at the meeting
Last update on 24-03-2006 18:30:00
& YP