Present: SF, MG, AK, YP, TW
- Report from meetings
- MEB -> MG
- Presentation and approval activity continued for SSS and S4.
- Today the injection septa (MSI) will be presented.
- Continuous pressure on the SSS due to installation for
off-line approval.
- FQWG -> SF,
- Meeting on field quality of MQT/MQTL (minutes are
available here)
- Assessment of field quality of MQTL
was made using MQT targets instead of target error table for MQTL
based on mechanical tolerances.
- Tracking campaign
by MG showed 1σ reduction of DA @ 45o but still above
11σ, in the presence of
feed-down from b10 due to the closed orbit of 4 mm.
- Field quality is
known only at warm and preliminary results show discrepancies with cold
measurements. A warm to cold correlation has to be provided for further
- Yannis informed
that V. Remondino provided all corrector measured data for production
of error tables based on measurements and further actions when errors
are out of tolerance.
- A brainstorming discussion meeting was held for the field
model from measured harmonics for the LHC control room (details are available here).
- Talks by L. Bottura on FIDEL, R.Wolf
on LEP experience, MG on what we have available and need for MAD-X,
M. Lamont on ELSA.
- There are still no misalignment
effects in the control system.
- A meeting will be held tomorrow to sum
up the results of the discussion.
- This Friday a meeting will be held on the measurement programme of
insertion magnets.
- MAR Workshop ->
SF (details are available here)
- A workshop dedicated on magnet reparation during LHC operation.
- Proposal to have a full production line at CERN (1 building
or several) but no decision yet made.
- Criticism by P. Limon (FERMILAB) who thinks that only a cryo-
decryo- facility is sufficient.
- Some conflict may exist with respect to the location of this
facility and future projects, e.g. building 181 and the option of having a new
machine in the ISR tunnel.
- A follow-up meeting will take place in the near future.
- b6 budget in the LHC
quadrupoles -> SF (pdf
- Overview of the b6 hysteresis effects at injection for MQM
and MQY
- Very low current of MQM and MQY induces a very negative b6
(-20 to -25 for MQM, -6 to MQY) and very large b10
depending on injection current, critical current and minimum current
after ramping down.
- Comparison
with MQ’s
- Detuning
- MQ detuning from systematic b6
of -2 units is ΔQ~5.10-3@ 12σ (margin to be
redistributed to the other quadrupoles as measured MQ <b6>
~ 0).
- Total detuning from other quads similar to above margin
(main contribution comes from MQM and MQY).
- Driving
- Most important C(0,6) due to
resonance proximity.
- MQ contribution to C(0,6)~400 due to random
b6 of 1.75 units
(systematic is almost canceled due to π/2 phase advance).
- MQTL and MQX comparable to MQ contribution (C(0,6)~500
for each), but MQM and MQY much bigger ((C(0,6)~1500
and 2500 respectively).
- The total contribution for all insertion magnets is an
order of magnitude higher than for the MQ (C(0,6)~3500).
- Conclusions
and future plans:
- Main
contribution to b6 comes from the MQM/MQY magnets
inducing amplitude detuning of the order of 0.005 at 12σ
and exciting C(0,6) (1 order of magnitude larger
compared to MQ contribution).
- DA
tracking studies needed (MG) to fully assess the impact of the b6 (and b10) hysteresis effects in MQMs and
- Possible
cures are foreseen (driving term correction with MCTX triplet corrector
magnets and/or dedicated cycles for each MQM/MQY magnets for magnet to
magnet self-compensation)
- On-going discussions concerning high-beta options
in IR1 and IR5 -> MG
- A meeting was held between Karsten Eggert,
Ernst Radermacher, Valentina Avati from Totem and Massimo Giovannozzi, Werner
Herr, Helmut Burkhardt from LOC.
- Options and possible running scenarios for
high beta optics were discussed:
- High beta (> 1000 m ) optics: The phase
advance for the high beta optics is very different from the standard optics.
The reduction corresponds to roughly 0.5 in vertical tune for a single
insertion. Optics files with beta* = 1540 m are available and have been
documented in LHC Project Note 369 by André Verdier. Tunes were matched
assuming simultaneous high beta operation in both IR1 and IR5. Atlas proposes
their own version of files with high beta* = 2540 m. The reduction in
phase advance is comparable to the Totem case and simultaneous operation of
the Totem and Atlas high beta optics should be feasible. Compared to the
standard optics, the vertical tune is lower by one unit, with about Qy = 58.32
rather than Qy = 59.32 in case of the standard optics. Dedicated high beta
injection, ramp and squeeze files and commissioning will be required and the
aperture available at injection will be less than in the standard case.
- 90 m optics for Totem: The LHC will be
commissioned with the standard physics optics (Qx = 64.28, Qy = 59.31) and a
beta* of 17 m during injection and ramp in IR1 and IR5. For early physics
operation, the number of bunches will be limited (43 or 156) and the intensity
per bunch will remain below 5 1010 p. The beta* will be squeezed
down in steps to beta* = 2 m in IR1 & 5 to increase luminosity. Similarly, it
will also be possible to "unsqueeze" locally beta*. A solution with beta* = 90
m in IR5 for early Totem operation has been studied. The crossing angle would
be limited to about +/-60 murad which excludes operation under nominal
conditions (2808 bunches, 25ns spacing), but which is compatible with early 43
or 156 bunch operation and beta* = 2 m in IR1. As the 90 m option in IR5 is
based on the standard optics, and it only requires the commissioning of the "unsqueeze"
but no separate injection and ramp, the time needed for commissioning can be
expected to be significantly less than for the high beta option.
- Totem: The 90 m option has a good physics
potential even at moderate luminosity and should allow a first determination
of the total cross-section to within 5%. Totem intends to submit a request to
the LHCC for the 90 m option for their initial run.
- Next steps for LOC:
- Generate an optics for Beam 2 with 90 m
- Test of the 90 m optics together with
- the early commissioning configuration, i.e.
beta* equal to 2 m in IP1/5 and 8 and 10 m in IP2
- nominal configuration, i.e. beta* equal to
0.55 in IP1/5 and 10 m in IP2/8
- Matching of the intermediate files needed
to demonstrate the feasibility of the "unsqueeze" from the injection/ramp to
the 90 m optics.
- Short written statement on the feasibility
of the 90 m option an estimate of the time needed for commissioning compared
to the high beta options for the next LHCC.
Color code:
Black: proposed agenda
Red: outcome
of discussion at the meeting
Last update on 29-03-2006 19:00:00
& YP