Presents: MG, JJ, AK, YP, TW.
- Report from meetings
- Large batch of dipole approved, continuing with SSS and
- Slots allocated for warm dipole magnets (second batch of MBXWs and MBW) in progress.
- Still struggling with
the MQTL field quality
- SLM-> MG
- By 2010 CERN personnel should be
reduced to ~ 2000 staff members (without considering ~ 200 local
- A reduction of 28% is foreseen for AB
and of 42% for AT department.
- Impact of experimental solenoids on LHC optics
-> AK (pdf file)
- Small coupling effect for ATLAS and CMS solenoids at injection
- Solenoid effect can be included in the sequence. MG argues
that it is preferable to have a script installing the solenoids without
touching the sequence. This point will e discussed with TR.
- A question was raised about the availability of solenoids in
SIXTRACK and the conversion from MADX to
- The solenoids induce a small beta-beating (0.1%) and small
orbit change (100 μm) in the
- Global decoupling works (automatic routine by SF)
- Analytical quasi-local decoupling approach to be checked
- Status of field quality of LHC corrector magnets
-> YP (pdf file)
- A summary is given for the SSS correctors and the strategy of
the error evaluation
- Apart from the comparison with the scaled multipoles of MQ
and MB, it is important to check the orthogonality of knobs
(impact in orbit, tune, coupling and chromaticity) for the low order
- The most important multipoles are
- the systematic b3 of
- the systematic b10/a10 of MQT/MQS
- the random
b1,a1 of MS.
- Especially for the b10/a10 of MQT/MQS error tables are worth to
be included in MADX sequence. This will also imply preparing the corresponding
error routines (Action: YP, TR).
Colour code:
Black: proposed agenda
Red: outcome
of discussion at the meeting
Last update on 31-07-2006 19:45:00
& YP