Present: IA, RA, CB, GB, RB, UD, SF, MG, WH, MM, YP, TP, VP, FeRo, SR, TR, FS, RT, TW, FZ.
- Follow up of actions
- Comments on the phase advance between IPs and
beam-beam effects -> WH
- During the discussion
about the chromatic behaviour of the recent LHC optics, the question
about the relationship between phase advance between insertions and
beam-beam effects was raised.
- WH reminded
that there is no reason to have a special phase advance between IPs: even a
non-symmetric one can work.
- With the alternating
crossing plane the Pacman
is minimized and there is no issue for the compensation of the orbit
- The symmetry
breaking for
resonance compensation is not a serious drawback for Hadron colliders.
- SF asked about the dependence of DA
on the phase advance. WH answered that Dobrin is running simulations
and preliminary results suggest that the minimum is just moved among
the different tunes.
- Concerning the
strategy to tackle the issue of chromatic behaviour of the V6.500
- SF commented
that for optimizing the arc
phase advance, the effect of the b2 from dipoles should be included.
The general sorting
efficiency should not be a problem, as a local compensation was
performed in both dipoles and quadrupoles.
- In mail discussions it was agreed to test the impact
of the correction of the second order chromaticity performed with four
circuits of the off-momentum beta-beating. Then, correction of both the
second order chromaticity and the off-momentum beta-beating should be
studied (Action: TR).
- Report from meetings
- ICC -> MG
- The new
committee came as a continuation of the TCC chaired by P. Proudlock, who
is going to retire. The new committee is chaired
by Lyn Evans with Roberto Saban as deputy and Roger Bailey as
scientific secretary. The representative from
ABP is MG with Simon Baird. The meeting rate was first proposed to be
every two weeks. It was later decided to have one official
meeting every 4 weeks followed by an informal one without
minutes, in two weeks.
- There was a
on the problem with the heat exchanger of the triplets. Ranko Ostojic
reported about possible solutions. A new type of tube
will be built and installed ensuring the required robustness of the system
against pressure.
- The cool-down
for sector 7-8 is continuing smoothly (80 K at
the time of the meeting)
- There was an
AoB by TS/SU colleagues stressing the lack of documentation for the
alignment of certain components (mostly from AB).
- SF asks about the status of LTC. MG explains that the mandate of ICC is on
installation and beam commissioning and that the LTC and LHCWG have a
mandate close to this one as well. Hence, good co-ordination between the three
bodies is mandatory.
- There was a
by Roger Bailey concerning the objectives for 2007. The main tasks are the
preparation of procedures and documentation from last years meetings
and the finalization of the measurement program (e.g., with the AC dipole).
- FZ had a
presentation on
tolerances, measurement program (a long list for 2007 when not
much time might be allocated to this), possible problems that may be encountered (aperture,
lifetime) and action plan to be addressed.
- During the
next meeting
WH and Elias Métral will report on the alternative filling schemes for the LHC (48
bunches from the
- It was
suggested that the EICs and CICs should participate on systems'
- MEB -> SF
- Within 10
and 10 dipoles all allocation work is finished (in one month roughly).
- MG reported
that SSS523 for slot Q11R2 features a non-nominal MQ. It did not reach the
nominal current. However, worse than this, it might feature an
inter-turn short circuit. Therefore, it was decided by magnet experts
- The magnet should not be powered to higher current
than 2 kA. This corresponds to about 1 TeV. This will have an impact on
the procedure used to commission the sector 2-3.
- The magnet should not be quenched! This means that it
should not be exposed to beam.
- A spare SSS is being prepared and it might be ready
bt May, but it will be late for tunnel installation. Hence, SSS523 will
be installed and used for the hardware commissioning, but it will need
to be replaced before the 2007 run.
- Discussion of the operational procedure for
squeezing the beams -> SR
- SR
presented the relevant documentation for the LHC commissioning topics
followed up by EICs and Verena Kain.
- A
web page is set up
the different phases of beam commissioning. SR encouraged
everybody to look in detail at what was prepared and to give feedback to the
EIC's team.
- For each phase,
prerequisite conditions are defined, a list of procedures, a list of
(exit conditions) and possible problems and open questions.
- List of prerequisites for
squeeze are presented (machine conditions, optics,
measurements, collimation, etc.).
- The procedure
includes the use of
the TCT to protect the triplets, running the squeeze, preparation to
bring the beam into collision, etc.
- Exit conditions
are defined. RA comments that the squeeze should always be done in steps and
should be explicitly mentioned in the procedure.
- FeRo triggers a
on the orbit definition. SF comments that the measurement and set-up of
orbit should be done for each β* value.
- In order to
complete the measurement
program for each β* step, feed-back is needed from LCU section. SF
remarks that coupling measurement should be
- It is recalled that the
effect of the decay of the insertion quadrupoles during the stops needed to
perform optics measurements will be presented by Walter Venturini at a
forthcoming LHCCWG meeting. TP asked whether there is a
special program for
measurements on the magnetic field quality during the squeeze. SF
replied that there is a special program decided
by FQWG.
- RT asks whether
time estimates for the squeeze procedure are available. SR answers that for the
moment there are not yet detailed time estimates because we first want to
find out what is necessary for each procedure. Whenever time estimates will
be available (e.g. if provided by the experts that will define the
measurement programs) they will be used to estimate the required time for
- RA adds that
milestones should be added, mentioning clearly which intensity and what
conditions are acceptable within a predefined goal. MG agrees and adds
that some
quantitative statements should be given.
- Update on the collimators -> RA
- RA informs that the
serious issues related with the collimators production
is over. Another 6 collimators were received, with a total of 20
collimators available. Among them, 14
can be installed. There are on-going discussions with the company concerning the
production rate. 28
collimators are needed and if this is not achieved the machine
will have to start commissioning with intensity reduced with respect to the one
foreseen. 86 collimators are needed for the 2008 run.
- In parallel, after the
successful control test in the SPS, a function driven movement will be
implemented. SR is looking at the implementation for the real
collimators in LHC and a
test with a prototype will be done in spring.
- A crystal collimation
workshop will be organized, VP
will help with the organization. An FP7 proposal should be set up by
- MG asks if there are
any news with respect to installation schedule for 2008. RA answers that there
is not a problem putting down the collimators but the bake out is very time
consuming and it may be dropped.
- The new section
mandate was presented by MG to the new section members.
- New section members are presented:
- Malika
Meddahi coming from the ATB group
- new fellow Ilia Agapov
- doctoral student Roderik Bruce (previously in LII
- doctoral student Ulrich Dorda and Tatiana Pieloni
(previously in RLC
- Change of the
LINUX operating system (from 32 to
64 bits) generated a lot of problems. There were
missing links,
compilers, and programs (Tex, LaTex). The routines of the CERN library did/do
not work anymore and the NAG libraries are also missing. It was stated once more by the IT department that FORTRAN is
not officially supported. FS comments
that it took a week to fix things. RF and BT groups were also affected
by this change. A Memo to IT is being prepared.
Colour code:
- Black: proposed agenda
- Red: outcome of discussion at the meeting
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