Summary notes of LCU meeting on 26/03/2007
Present: CB, RB, HB, RdM, SF, MG, WH, JJ, IP, TP, VP, TR, FS, RT, FZ
Follow up of actions
Report from meetings
Consequences of phase advance differences between IPs on beam-beam effects -> WH (pdf file)
The question whether special phase advance difference between points 1 and 5 would be essential for beam-beam effects in the LHC was raised some time ago, and the answer given by WH was no!
Today WH gave more details on this subject including a pedagogical introduction, see his
slides. He also recommended as good introductory material the lecture notes by Chao and the book of E. Forest. It is in principle possible to suppress the effect of selected resonances by a particular choice of the phase advance between IPs. For the current design LHC working points, the most relevant resonances are expected at fractional tunes of 4/13 and 5/16. Already the cancellation of one of these would require unrealistic tight tolerances on the phase advance between 1 and 5. Simulations confirmed that the design optics has a good dynamic aperture and that the exact choice of tunes and phase advance close to the design values is not too critical.
FZ reported that UD works on beam-beam simulations with broad tune scans and it was proposed to ask him to give a presentation in one of our next meetings.
Beta-beating from longitudinal misalignment of low-beta quadrupoles -> FS
FS reported on measurements of the longitudinal alignment of triplet quadrupoles and their impact on the beta-beating, see his slides. This issue was raised during the approval process of the triplet quadrupoles. Due to the uncertainty in the longitudinal position of the magnetic centre with respect to the cryostat and the beam screen the nominal position of the magnets might not be the optimal one. FS determined the resulting beta-beating using the measured values including also the effect on measured errors (corresponding to about 5 mm). In addition, the impact of longitudinal shifts aimed at minimizing the beta-beating was studied. It turned out that with reasonable shifts of about 4 mm, it would be possible to reduce the beta-beating down to about +/- 5%. During the discussion it emerged that it would be important to compute the beta-beating for each insertion separately (to avoid any cancellation) and to use the squeezed optics for IR2, as this will be worst case (Action: FS). It is also recalled that in addition to the implementation of longitudinal shifts, re-matching of the optics should be used to improve the situation.
Last update: 17-Apr-07
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