Summary notes of Upgrade meeting on 2/05/2007
Present: RA, CB, OB, RDM, UD, SF, MG, WH, MM, VP, FS, RT, TW, FZ
Round table discussion
- FZ:
- A presentation of the HHH activities for the quarterly report was
made. It is reminded to quote support from HHH in the published
papers (it will be added on the LHC-PR-1000 and it could be added also
on the report to be published by OB and RdM).
- The proceedings of the LUMI06 will be published in the current
status even though two key papers are missing (one from CMS and one from
- The proceedings of the ECL2 Workshop will be published soon as AB
- OB:
- The structure that is being set-up at CERN for the upgrade studies
relies on Lyn to perform general co-ordination of the upgrade
scenarios (he will also lead the Creation of Network Infrastructure) and
Ranko Ostojic to be project leader for the IRs upgrade (Phase 1). He
should set-up a working group to ensure the necessary exchange of
information between AB and AT.
- US-LARP Meeting: there is some interest in studying the layouts with
slim magnets (D0). This will not be relevant for the Phase 1 studies,
however. There is also interest in studying options for cold D1/D2
magnets. In any case the organization of the contributions to the IRs
upgrade studies should be made available by mid-May to CERN, prior to
submission to the DOE for formal approval.
- It is agreed that the study of the energy deposition in the triplets
will be carried out by N. Mokhov with RdM as linkman. A request for
resources will also be issued to the AB department and the topic will
also be proposed to AT/MCS, as in that Group some expertise is being
built in this domain.
- MM:
- It is reported that the optics for Beam 1 is ready including the
crossing scheme for the layout #1. Beam 2 will be prepared soon.
- SF:
- The studies for the Phase 2 upgrade aimed at exploring the option of
flat beams in conjunction with doublet optics are reported. The main outcome
of this study is the definition of a constructive algorithm to generate a
prescribed magnetic field by using a distribution of current wires. Even
though it does not seem to allow reaching the required strengths, it could
be applied for the design of mass-less septa, magnetic collimators etc. A
paper is being prepared.
- RT:
- Beam 1 and 2 optics are ready (thin and thick version) as well as the
crossing schemes (provided by WH) for the layout #2. The subsequent studies
could start.
- Correction schemes for the nonlinear field errors of the triplet
quadrupoles will be investigated.
- A link to the directory structure created by RdM was added to the HHH
web repository. Once a layout is in final form, a more detailed description
will be provided and published on the HHH repository.
- RdM:
- Beam 1 and 2 optics are ready (thin and thick version) as well as
the crossing schemes (provided by WH) for the layout #3. This optics is
the most advanced one and it can be used immediately for beam-beam, DA, and
collimation studies.
- The tracking studies for DA computation should be started soon. A test
was made on the impact of multipoles of order higher than 11 on the value of
the DA: it seems to be negligible, but a presentation will be made.
- For the tracking studies, it was decided (following also discussions
with E. Todesco) to use only random errors for triplet quadrupoles and to
apply the scaling of magnetic field errors vs. aperture as proposed by E.
Todesco et al. As far as the rest of the machine is concerned, the errors of
the machine-as-built will be used (extraction using the WISE code made by
MG). These generic files could be stored in the afs repository for
general use.
- RA suggests to have an aperture model included with each layout: this
should be built starting from the aperture model of the machine-as-built and
the new triplets' aperture. These files could be stored in the afs
repository for general use.
- The off-momentum beta-beating is between 30%-40% for the three optics at
Dp/p of 3×10-4.
- UD:
- Simulations for the study of the wire compensation at RHIC are in
progress. Experimental tests are also foreseen.
- Test of the impact of wire compensation for the Phase 1 layouts (#3) are
also starting.
- WH:
- Crossing schemes for layouts #2 and 3 were computed. Analysis of the
required strength of the correctors was also performed. Preliminary
beam-beam studies were already launched.
- FS:
- A fix was introduced in SixTrack to allow tracking with multipole errors
beyond 11th order. This was applied to a private version in order to avoid
disturbance to on-going simulations (beam-beam studies by WH and Dobrin).
- RA:
- There is concern for the performance of the momentum collimation system
due to the huge off-momentum beta-beating. This issue will be considered in
more details by the collimation team.
- In case of modifications to the D1/D2 region, the impact on the tertiary
collimators in that area should be assessed.
- There is concern for the confusion made by the statement that the
increased aperture of triplet quadrupoles will remove all limitations of the
collimation system. It is stressed that even though this will alleviate the
impedance issue, the cleaning efficiency will remain unaffected, the
bottleneck being the losses in the dispersion suppressor downstream of
Last update: 2-May-07
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