Summary notes of the LCU meeting on 08/10/2007
Present: IA, MA, CB. RB, HB, RC, RdM, SF, MG, WH, JJ, PL, MM, TP, TR, FR, FS, TW + M. Bai from BNL and Yiton Yan from SLAC
Follow up of Actions
Report from meetings
Preliminary results and future plans for SPS MDs for the on-line model -> IA (pdf file)
IA reported about first results from recent MD studies concerning the on-line model. The BPM data was not always reliable, but still allowed to test orbit knobs and corrections on a technical level. Knob creation and correction software and multi-turn orbit acquisition were successfully tested. The upcoming TI2 tests will be used to further test the on-line model.
A detailed analysis of the measurements will be presented in a forthcoming
The new V6.501 optics -> TR (pdf file)
TR recalled that the aim of the rematch of insertions in optics V6.501 is to recover aperture in the insertions. Insertions for V6.500 were still constraint to the design report phase advances fixed five years ago. He showed a table with minimal apertures in the insertions in both V6.501 and V6.500. The cleaning insertions were left as in V6.500. IR1/5 aperture were already adequate in V6.500. The rematch of the other insertions (2, 5, 7, 8) allowed to regain a bit of aperture. The validity of the new phase advances in IR2, 8 remains to be confirmed for the collision optics.
Linear knobs generation in MADX -> RdM (pdf file)
RdM presented methods to create linear knobs with USE_MACRO in MAD-X. He illustrated cases for the tune adjustment. The extra code could soon be incorporated with CVS in the standard MAD-X repository. JJ said that knobs generation existed also in
MAD8 and is possible with the help of Mathematica.
Scraping in the SPS for LHC injection -> P. A. Letnes (pdf file)
PL described his current work as technical student in our group. He wrote and tested a high level controls java application for the SPS scrapers. The code can be considered now to be in a "beta" stage, meaning
that it is sufficiently tested and stable such that it could be used in standard operations by Joerg Wenninger et al. He also described further plans and asked for feedback and suggestions on the subject of simulations for the scraper. It appears that tracking studies, which would allow determining how much energy is lost were and how fast, would be very useful. Further suggestions and help, in particular on the simulation of the SPS aperture are welcome.
The next meeting will not be in two weeks, but likely the Friday or Monday after.
Last update: 17-October-07
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