Summary notes of the LCU meeting on 13/01/2009
Present: MA, RA, HB, RDM, MG, WH, JJ, JM, JN, TP, RT, TW, SW, YS, FZ
Report from meetings
Study with one global crab cavity at IR4 for the LHC Upgrade -> YS (pdf)
YS reported about studies using a single crab cavity. Crab cavities have been considered for the LHC upgrade as
a mean to compensate for the luminosity loss due to the geometrical factor
induced by the crossing angles. To test the feasibility of crab cavities in the LHC, it has been proposed to start with a single crab cavity
(hence affecting one beam, only) and to see if it could already induce a visible
effect on the machine performance.
The main purpose of this study was to check on a possible interference of the effect of a single cavity on the beam and momentum collimation. For these studies,
YS assumed a single 800 MHz cavity in IR4 which would tilt Beam
1 such that it would be crabbed in IR5. This implies that the effect is small
(Beam 2 is not crabbed), but also IR1 features a "wrongly-crabbed" Beam 1.
The net effect is a gain of 5% luminosity (normalizing to 1034 cm2
s-1) in IR5 and a correspondent loss in IR1 loss from crossing angles at a beta* = 0.55 m.
In the case of beat*=25 cm the impact is larger about 70% luminosity increase in
IR5 (normalizing to 1034 cm2 s-1).
Tracking studies with a crab cavity were performed. DA aperture is reduced by
2-2.5 sigmas (but it is computed using two seeds, only).
Loss maps were also computed, comparing them with the situation for the nominal
LHC at collision. Two situations were considered depending on the cut applied in
the generation of the longitudinal distribution of impact parameters. RA
stated that the generation of impact parameters is rather delicate. Hence, the
results presented should be considered as very preliminary ones. Further work with help from the collimation team will be required before any definite conclusions can be drawn.
Last update: 16-January-09
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