Summary notes of the LCU meeting on 28/07/2009
Present: MA, OEB, CB, SF, MG, WH, EL, YL, AR, FS, DW, SW, FZ, C. Bat, H. Maury Cuna
Report from meetings
Final update on CMS solenoid stray field -> YS (slides)
YS briefly presented the programming work required to introduce the thin solenoid and the fringe field (derived by FZ) in MAD-X to SixTrack convertor, and SixTrack code, proper. As a follow-up of the last presentation, YS reported about the coupling effect at injection on modeling of the measured CMS solenoid stray field. Even at injection the linear coupling is negligible. The dynamic aperture computed with four additional solenoids on each side of IP5 does not show any sign of degradation. SF comments that, as the field quality of the triplet can be critical at the level of a fraction of a unit, i.e. a fraction of a Gauss, the conclusion that the field is linear (see previous presentation) should be verified carefully. FZ comments that the modeling of the solenoid and the surrounds might not be accurate at this level. YS will have a more detailed look at the numerical data of the magnetic field.
Update on e-cloud simulations for LHC and its upgrade -> Humberto Maury Cuna (slides)
FZ introduces once more Humberto
who was already with us. Humberto will work for a PhD thesis under the
supervision of FZ at CERN and with a grant from EUCARD and his
local institution. The current work focuses on the computation of the heat load
induced by e-cloud in the LHC including some upgrade scenarios. LPA with flat
bunches (with and without satellite bunches for LHCb) with a scan on the bunch
intensity. A scan of the bunch spacing is also considered, including also a
Gaussian longitudinal profile case.
For the LPA case, the heat load increases monotonically with bunch intensity
without satellite bunches. It increases as well with increasing secondary
emission yield (SEY). In the case with satellite bunches, the heat load features
a minimum vs. bunch intensity. Of course, such a minimum moves with the value of
the SEY.
A monotonic decrease of the heat load with bunch spacing is observed for various
bunch intensities.
The Gaussian bunch case seems to provide higher heat load than the flat one.
Future studies include the analysis of pressure rise and experiments
(PS and SPS).
FS announces that the latest release of MAD-X is now available.
MG announces that the LCU meeting of August 11 is cancelled and the next one will be on August 25.
Last update: 29-July-09
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