Summary notes of the LCU meeting on 01/06/2010
Present: CA, OB, RB, HB, OD, SF, MF, MG, BH, JJ, JN, MS, FZ, GM
Report from meetings
- General information -> MG
The ABP group meeting is scheduled for the 16 of June. There
will be a presentation by our group leader and short presentations from
the section leaders. MG asked for proposals and input in form of few
slides to illustrate highlights of our work to be sent to him this
The first observation of collective effects in the LHC has now
been followed by some first quantitative measurements and the first
impression from these is that there are no enormous deviations from
what could be expected.
WH and EL prepare a contribution on beam-beam
effects in the LHC for a forthcoming ICFA beam dynamics newsletter.
FS is preparing a contribution about beam-beam simulations.
IPAC'11: the conference was well organized and the timing of
talks and poster well scheduled to minimize overlap. There were several
LHC related talks, an in particular the plenary talk of Steve Myers. In
this talk he mentioned energy doubling in the LHC as one of the
possible upgrade paths. FZ added information on satellite meetings.
There was meeting on crab cavities and a possible collaboration of KEK
and CERN. Actions on machine protection (Joerg Wenninger) and RF (Ed
Ciapala) were identified as essential for further progress. There was
also a PRSTAB editorial meeting. Next year IPAC will be in September in Spain, well after the PAC in March '11
Responsibilities and follow up of the BOINC system are being
clarified in form of a memo. At least a minimal support is expected
from IT on keeping servers running at CERN. EPFL is expected to take
care of server support for SIXTRACK.
Last update: 01-June-10
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