Summary notes of the LCU meeting on 13/07/2010
Present: CA, OB, RC, OD, MG, YL, MS
- Report from meetings
- SLM and general information -> MG
No particular point to mention.
LHC beam commissioning continues with nominal
intensity bunches and 7-10 bunches/beam. The
limit of 10E30 of peak luminosity was broken
last week end.
Beam-beam effects have been observed and efforts
are put in understanding the situation.
- Preliminary results of off-momentum
aperture measurements -> CA (slides)
CA reports about the first off-momentum aperture measurements
performed some time ago with Beam 1 in the horizontal plane.
These measurements should be completed with local scans and
vertical measurements as well as similar studies for Beam 2.
It was verified that the polarity of the magnets for which the
losses are observed is correct (i.e. focusing).
Few comments to the presentation and additional items to verify:
One of the bottlenecks found is the Q6L3 magnet. It is a very
long magnet (in the deck it is from MQTLH.A6L3.B1 to
MQTLH.F6L3.B1). The location of the peak of the bump inside the
magnet should be verified.
For the computation of the n1 measured parameter the golden
orbit should be used.
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