Summary notes of the LCU meeting on 10/08/2010
Present: OB, HB, RC, OD, MF, MG, YL, MS, RT, FZ, Kazuhito Ohmi, Chandrashekhara Bhat, Tom Mertens
Report from meetings
- General information -> MG
MG started to welcome new members and visitors:
technical student Tom Mertens, who works with JJ on heavy ions.
Chandrashekhara Bhat who is working on injectors upgrade
Kazuhito Ohmi who is working on beam-beam and e-cloud.
The LHC is running well. Most of the running is for physics with
25 bunches per beam. The peak luminosity reached 4.e30cm-2s-1.
Beam-beam tune shifts from central collisions have reached and even
exceeded the nominal values without problems. Several fills were
suddenly lost in stable physics. The loss patterns and possible
explanations are currently studied with help from our group on aperture
modeling (CA) and dust particles simulations (FZ).
MG reports that the error tables generated with WISE and
FiDeL corresponding to the LHC machine as-built will be stored in the
official afs optics repository for tracking use.
Ezio Todesco is reviewing the LHC settings and the magnet
modeling. Several questions and possible issues came up in this context
and will be followed up: Skew
sextuples were active since the 21 May and it will be checked if this
is intended and useful. The correction was implemented by MS,
who translated the algorithm prepared by SF for tracking
The decrease of magnet ramp rates in the last
technical stop resulted in modified dynamical behavior. Horizontal and
vertical tunes now change in opposite direction during the ramp for the two
The MCD were found weaker by a factor of 2 for a couple of months. This has
been fixed.
The MCO are powered to a few Amperes at injection. Due to the strong
magnetisation, this induces a sort of undefined status of the correctors,
some under correcting and some overcorrecting the b4 component in the
dipoles. Overall, the compensation is correct and the MCO will be kept in
Landau octupoles are used at top energy and it remains to be checked if they are
still useful in presence of collisions and operation with the
transverse damper on. FZ suggested to use the octupoles to reduce the
tune spread from the beam-beam interaction.
The Q33.L2 was found displaced by 1 mm in the horizontal plane: the causes
for this are being checked. Aperture is also being verified (CA).
The organization of the LHC upgrade studies will evolve from a
task force to a project lead by Lucio Rossi with OB acting as deputy. Several
of us are involved in this work. Work packages are being defined and
organized with collaboration from outside CERN (USLARP). FZ
mentioned also the FP7 supported activities within EUCARD (e.g., ACCNET).
C. Bhat said that
single bunch intensities of 3.6e11 protons were reached in the SPS. MG
said there is furthermore promising work in progress on the SPS optics
which should allow to decrease transition, which increases stability
thresholds at injection into the SPS.
- LMC -> FZ
The last LMC was dedicated to a discussion how to arrive at the
planned 1.e32cm-2s-1 luminosity this year. It was decided to stay at
the current beta* = 3.5 m and increase the luminosity by increasing the
number of bunches. Two options for the bunch spacing, 75 and 150 ns
were discussed. 150 ns would be preferred by the experiments. It is now
for the injectors to verify that 150 ns could be provided with similar
intensities and emittances as for 75 ns. More details can be found in
the LMC minutes.
Last update: 10-August-2010
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