Summary notes of the LCU meeting on 10/08/2010
Present: HB, RDM, OD, SF, MG, BH, YL, IP, MS, RT, SW, CB
Report from meetings
SLHCv3: selected topics -> RdM (slides)
RdM gave a first presentation on the LHC upgrade plans
Here he focused on the optics part related to reaching smaller beta*.
A second presentation on other aspects including beam-beam is planned for the next time. The studies follow on what was previously called
sLHC and is now referred to as HL-LHC.
In the previous round of studies, the peak luminosity increase from a reduction in beta* to 30 cm in the upgrade phase 1 was rather modest (37%). Here he presented more recent ideas
(developed by SF) to lower beta* 30 cm in the crossing angle plane and much further, down to 7.5 cm in the orthogonal transverse plane. The limitation from chromatic aberration at low beta* and strength limits in Q4-Q5 are avoided in the new scheme by using the neighboring insertions around IP1 and IP5 for the squeeze to values lower than beta* = 60 cm. At top energy, there is enough aperture in the arcs to allow for
increasing the beta functions and to profit from larger amplitudes at sextuples for the chromatic corrections.
The preferred technology for new magnets will be Nb3Sn to allow for shorter magnets and less parasitic collisions, however Nb-Ti would still be acceptable for the upgrade.
Last update: 2-Septeber-2010
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