Summary notes of the LCU meeting on 21/09/2010
Present: CA, HB, SF, MF, MG, JJ, YL, TM, MS, RT, GV, SW, FZ
Report from meetings
- LMC -> FZ
FZ reported from the LMC last Friday. The subjects included
tune-meter and damper interference, progress in the LHC commissioning with
crossing angle, news on the "hump" and the first observation of elastic
events by Totem. For more details see the LMC minutes.
- Heavy Ion -> JJ
John reported from several meetings and a conference which he
attended in the context of the upcoming Heavy Ion (HI) run in the LHC.
His commissioning plan was approved. The crossing angle will be
adjusted to zero in all collision points. Details on the filling
schemes for HI-operation will be followed up in the LPC. The afternoon
of this Wednesday (22/09/10) LHCC is dedicated to a discussion of the HI run.
- LBS -> HB
The LBS#18
meeting was held on the 20. September. There were two presentations
from ALICE, one on the comparison of background observation with
predictions and the other on machine induced high voltage trips in the
ALICE detector.
There was a presentation on the crossing angle
measurement using the CMS ZDC, the zero degree calorimeter installed in
the TAN. The meeting ended with a discussion of backgrounds for
- LEB and general information -> MG
MG attended a meeting of the LEB (LHC Experimental Beampipes
Working group). The experiments have now very good data on the position of the
beam pipe and other material in the beam pipe region from secondary
interactions in the material. The aim is to improve on tolerances and
alignment to allow to decrease the beam pipe radius in
the central region by several mm by 2016 (ALICE) or later.
apertures (equivalent to determining the minimum n1 over each ring) were measured in the recent commissioning with crossing
angles and found to be significantly larger than estimated using n1.
This can be attributed to the orbit, alignment and beta-beating
tolerances which are well within and in some cases significantly better
than the LHC design specifications. The subject will be further
followed up also in a more general context than the LEB.
There is also
data from the SU section on tilt misalignments (mostly triplets in IR5, 8), which
could be reduced by remotely adjusting the triplet positions.
- Online Model -> CA (slides)
Carmen showed which models (thin, thick, w.o. errors) are
available. Several options to run Mad-X and display results are
Gabriel Müller gave a presentation last week on what is
available in the CCC. Beam and aperture positions can be displayed.
This was used in the recent aperture measurements. Feedback and further
suggestions of what would be useful to calculate and display are
MG after discussion with FS proposed to
have fixed screens to display optics and aperture over the ring during the
SLHCv3: first results on optics, chromatic properties, long term stability: part II -> RdM (slides)
RdM gave the second presentation on the LHC optics
upgrade plans.
He showed the size of the tune footprint from optical
imperfections at low beta*. As shown last time, the new scheme involves
the neighboring insertions IR8 and IR2 for IP1, IR4
and IR6 in IP5 to reach lower beta* in one transverse plane while keeping the
chromatic aberrations corrected. This new scheme implies
larger-than-nominal betas in the arcs. The size of the footprint could be
reduced by using a more symmetric sextuple correction scheme based on even
numbers of sextupoles. This could be reached by adding an extra
sextupole or by short circuiting one existing sextuple.
He also showed
tracking results with dynamic
aperture determinations which will also be used to specify the field
quality for new magnets (D1, D2, Q4) required in this scheme. These studies
enable selecting among the configurations with alternating crossing planes
(preferred) and non-alternating crossing plane (worse DA). The addition of one
sextupole also improves DA.
RdM also
showed the tune footprint from the beam-beam interactions in IR1&5
in this scheme with 21 parasitic interactions on either side of the
RC and HB suggested to consider also more generally the re-optimization of collision tunes and longitudinal beam parameters
(bunch length, Dp/p).
A number of items will be studied in order to complete the performance
assessment of this new scheme. In particular, a list of MD studies to be
performed on the nominal machine should be prepared.
Last update: 21-September-2010
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