Summary notes of the LCU meeting on 16/11/2010
Present: CA, HB, RC, RdM, OD, SF, MF, BH, YK, TM, FS, MS, RT, GV, SW
Report from meetings
Beta-beating studies and thick model for the LHC -> CA (slides)
Beta beating can be modeled with the MAD-X thin model and accounts to about half of the observed effects. This model can include only quadrupolar errors in the main dipoles. To go beyond this it is necessary to use PTC. CA has shown the results of the analysis based on the use of a thick model using MAD-X and PTC. In this case all magnetic errors based on FiDeL estimates (stored in the official repository) have been used. Misalignments and data from magnetic centre position have been used as well. SF comments that the b2 errors for quadrupoles reported in the error tables are overestimated, in particular due to the large uncertainty on the warm-to-cold offset. It is then suggested to either use all seeds and then average beta-beating before comparing with measured values, or ask Per Hagen to generate a special error table (called seed 0) without the statistical uncertainty added to the warm-to-cold offset. It is also clear the the good agreement between the model and the measured data has to be expected only after having corrected the local errors.
Some ideas for improving software tools for HL-LHC -> RdM (slides)
RdM presented a list of relevant items for software tools developed so far and used for the design and studies for the nominal LHC. With the organisation of the HL-LHC project, it is considered important to review the situation in terms of software tools and to prepare a with-list new tools and/or improvements for the existing ones. For the time being no consideration in terms of resources needed to implement these tools has been made and this represents the next step.
RdM discussed existing and desirable tools for optics, aperture, correction of field imperfections, dynamic aperture, dynamic effects and working point optimization. The standard tools are mostly
MAD-X and SIXTRACK and many enhancements were suggested, as well as request for documentation of existing tools.
RdM updated the list with the feedback given during the meeting. The updated list is linked to these minutes.
Any additional feedback is more than welcome!
Feedback concerning the needs for ions studies is awaited (JJ).
Last update: 16-November-2010
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