Summary notes of the LCU meeting on 8/02/2011
Present: CA, HB, RDM, OD, SF, MF, MGF, BH, JJ, YL, RT
Report from meetings
- SLM and general information -> MG
The budget for students supported by CERN in our group was reduced by 10% which will make it more difficult to higher further students this year.
The support for CERN fellow is managed on the department level. Fellow requests which were turned down with the argument that we will not run in 2012 will have to be re-negotiated since it is now decided that we will run in 2012 (fellow for the ion in the LHC, fellow working on experimental conditions).
The main points from the outcome of Chamonix'11 were already publicly announced. More details will be given in the Chamonix'11 summary on the 9/02/11.
MG reminds that any absence from CERN, even shorter trips like EPFL students going to Lausanne, should be entered in EDH, which is important for insurance reasons.
There was an LMC last week - minutes will be on the web.
There were changes in the project structure of the technical sectors at CERN for 2011 which resulted also in changes of meetings:
R. Bailey became director of CAS and M. Lamont takes over as deputy chairman for the LMC. The LHC Beam Commissioning WG is replaced by the LHC Beam Operation Committee chaired by
J. Wenninger with T. Pieloni as secretary.
We are encouraged to follow the seminar on Timber on Friday and the staff members should follow the course on the competence model.
The alignment of the triplet in points 5 and 8 was non-trivial and required several iterations.
The LHC mad sequence is modified to take into account the recent installation of the roman pots and pickups for ATLAS-ALFA.
JJ asked that the BGIs should also be in the sequence.
Computing : F. Schmidt is our contact person for batch queues.
Review of the crossing schemes for SLHCV3 crab cavity optics -> RdM (slides)
In follow up of the recent crab cavity workshop, RdM reviewed crossing schemes for an LHC-upgrade with crab cavities and proposes an alternative crossing scheme with bumps which are close before the D2 magnet. He assumed a beta* of 15cm, a 580 mural crossing and 1.5mm separation. Optimization criteria are to eliminate crossing scheme related orbit offsets at the crab cavity locations and to reduce the required aperture for D2 and Q4.
Closing the bumps before D2 would required rather strong correctors with a strength comparable to 1/6 of D2. Other points of concern are sufficient aperture and protection of magnets by modified TAS and TANs from collision debris.
RdM also looked at the minimum separation for parasitic collisions in the common beam-pipe region which should stay at the 10sigma level.
This work will be further followed up to include machine protection considerations and input from the collimation team on the TCTs and TAN.
SF commented that the separation scheme should allow for separation scans and
HB that a complete review of the implications on experimental conditions including backgrounds, luminosity scans and possible special running options like high-beta* would be required to fully qualify new IR schemes.
Last update: 9-February-2011
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