Summary notes of the LCU meeting on 17/05/2011
Present: CA, HB, LD, SF. MF, MG, BH, YL, TM, MS, GV, FZ
Report from meetings
Demo of new LHC Fill Performance pages -> YL (slides)
Yngve has been working with Alick Macpherson / OP on a quick, automatic fill analysis. The data is extracted using JAVA and TIMBER interfaced with PYTHON with NUMPY and ROOT for analysis. The information is made available as web page with summary tables of fills and standard plots for luminosity, background and vacuum. A super-table with information for each fill, inspired by what was done for the TEVATRON is included.
Feedback is more than welcome (After the meeting and following discussions
at the SLM, it is proposed to add the evaluation of the transverse emittances
using the intensity and luminosity information as well as to add the information
concerning the beta* values).
11-T Nb3Sn dipole study -> BH (slides)
Bernhard reported about progress on the hardware side on Nb3Sn dipoles as well as the consequences and related plans for optics.
The change of DS layout for IR3 does not match the availability of the proposed
Nb3Sn shorter dipoles by the first long shutdown. Hence, it is planned to be
performed by using the standard dipoles and moving the magnets in between Q8 and
Q10 to make room to he cryo-collimators (the new layout was studied by JJ and
It is presently foreseen to install 4 new Nb3Sn magnets both in IR7 and IR2 in the dispersion suppressor in the 2017 shutdown to gain space to allow the installation of extra collimators. The new magnets would be 5.5m long and straight.
Changes on the overall LHC geometry will be small. BH showed a table of the expected multipole errors for these magnet and discussed the dynamic behaviour from persistent current effects.
The highly non-linear behaviour of the transfer function calls for a dedicated
trim power converter to avoid closed orbit bumps, which would require a large
fraction of the orbit corrector dipoles strength.
The dominant multipole error (b3) will be corrected with a spool piece corrector.
As an alternative, SF proposes to replace the closed orbit
corrector in Q8 and Q10 with combined dipole+sextupole corrector, which would
allow gaining some additional space. The new error table refined with tracking
simulations will be discussed with the magnet experts in order to agree on a
target specification table.
Last update: 18-May-2011
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