Summary notes of the LCU meeting on 31/05/2011
Present: JA, CA, HB, LD, SF, MG, BH, HH, JJ, YL, JL, FS, RT, FZ
Report from meetings
Quark matter conference -> JJ (slides)
John reported about highlights from the 2011 Quark Matter conference. The conference had over 700 participants and lots of interesting results from the first heavy ion run last year in the LHC and the lower energy proton run earlier this year.
A remarkable agreement between estimated cross-sections and those measured at
LHC was shown For this year, the experiments expect a 5 fold increase in luminosities in lead-lead collisions and for next year proton-ion collisions.
Once more pA collisions seems to be an essential part of the ion physics
MAD-X status overview -> LD (slides)
Laurent gave a first report about on his plans as the new custodian for MAD-X. By standard computer science criteria, the MAD-X code appears as too complex with some lack in clarity and structure. The collaboration between C and FORTRAN code is fragile, in particular in the input / output.
Two different strategies are possible: a moderate one, where appropriate user
support (e.g., for bug fixing and improvements) is provided in parallel to a
refactoring of the code for a longer-term improved efficiency. A more aggressive
one where the code is deeply re-written (e.g., the parse).
He advocates major internal changes to reduce the size and complexity and time needed for MAD-X maintenance and support.
He also plans to improve the communication using appropriate mailing lists for users and developers.
His presentation triggered longer discussions on the pros and cons of different approaches. Laurent asked for further comments and suggestions
that will be incorporated in a final proposal for future activities.
Last update: 01-June-2011
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