Summary notes of the LCU meeting on 20/02/2012
Present: HB, HC, RDM. OD, SF, MF, MG, JJ, MS, AL, RV, CY
Report from meetings
- SLM and general information -> MG
Riccardo was selected in the recent board for a staff position in our group with 1st of April as starting date. A second board for a collimation engineer is in preparation.
Stephane becomes leader for the LHC HiLumi work package 2 in succession of
Oliver Brüning who remains deputy project leader.
The LHC running strategy with in particular a beam energy of 4 TeV as discussed in Chamonix and proposed by the CMAC has been confirmed by the CERN management and publicly announced.
Details on how to reach the minimum beta* are still discussed. The brainstorming discussion with a presentation by Rogelio Tomas first planned for this meeting is postponed. A discussion will take place this afternoon in the LBOC. The smallest beta* value discussed is 60 cm. As there is not much luminosity gain between 60 and 70 cm, we may remain at 70 cm with a value of 90 cm discussed as back-up solution in case of problems.
Laurent continued to update MAD-X and plans to present the status in the next meeting.
Andrea Latina said that he introduced the RF-multipole in the TWISS and TRACK modules of MAD-X. The updates will be committed to the repository after testing.
Concerning office space and office renovation : a new barrack, building number 628, has been installed between buildings 9 and 6. The office space has not been assigned yet. Staff members who would like an office in the new building should request this. Some of the space will be used to temporarily relocate people during their office renovation.
Helmut reminded about the Lumi days next week and recalled that the workshop is open for anybody interested. The program is on indico.
Last update: 23-Frebruary-2012
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