Summary notes of the LCU meeting on 06/03/2012
Present: HB, RDM, LD, OD, SF, MF, MG, BH, JJ, MS, AL, MS
Report from meetings
- SLM and general information -> MG
The board for the Collimation post will be held on 20 March.
The LHC sequence has still some problems, but this is not relevant for the
generation of settings.
Data from measurements of the longitudinal displacement have been received
from SU. Data for IR1/5, only are available to date, but the situation will
be completed with additional measurements during the first technical stop.
Rogelio will make a follow-up at the LMC.
New non-conformities: RCO12.B2 cannot be used. Sextupole
triplet's corrector in Point 8 cannot be used.
MEB activities: 15 dipoles, 2 SSS, and 2 SpSSS will be replaced during LS1.
Two additional SSS will be replaced during LS2. The impact on beta-beating
will be evaluated. To-date SF has proposed five replacement
CMS is going to held an Engineering Design Review for the new pipe to be
installed during LS1.
HL-LHC: the first task leaders' meeting was held 2nd of March. The work
packages and resources were discussed. SLAC is working on field quality
specification of triplets.
- LHC Status -> BH
The LHC is in cold checkout. Daily 8:30 meetings resumed. See the LHC-latest-news.
- Lumi Days -> HB
Physics interest and potential, results and plans of luminosity and cross section normalization were discussed in detail. The progress on the intensity normalization was particularly impressive. Total normalization errors are already down to the 3.5% level which is much better than the ~15% reached at Fermilab, and prospects are very good that the uncertainties can be further reduced to below the 2% level. The machine session on the last day also included the plans for high-beta running. It is planned to increase beta* to 500 m and to bring the roman pots very close to the beam to reach the Coulomb-interference region and obtain another, luminosity independent absolute cross section calibration. A short summary will be given next week at the LMC and workshop proceedings will be prepared. For further details see indico.
- MAD-X status -> LD
Laurent reported about the recent changes on MAD-X.
Detailed in formation is on the web, Egroups are active and the information on known bugs and recent changes is accessible from the web page as well.
New features include the RF-multipole implemented by Andrea Latina.
Test suite has been improved and the examples have been imported in the SVN
A new tracking is now active.
Proposal for new style of optics web pages -> JJ
The LHC optics pages made by John Jowett had not been updated for a while.
They will soon be brought up-to-date. At the same time, the way how files can be accessed will be changed : each optics configuration will be identified with a string containing the energy and beta*s at the IPs. The main information will be given in tfs tables for the whole ring. CSV tables will be made available for each module and selection.
The main symbolic link to this information is
Last update: 09-March-2012
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