Summary notes of the LCU meeting on 20/03/2012

Present: HB, LD, SF, MF, MG, BH, JJ, SR, MS, MSt, FZ

Report from meetings

Review of new crossing scheme for LHCb at 3 m beta* -> BH   (slides)
LHCb wants regular polarity changes of the order of once per few weeks to cancel systematic uncertainties. Furthermore, they would like to have the same absolute value of the net angle for both spectrometer polarities. This is not possible with the current crossing scheme featuring horizontal crossing.
The LHCb requirements can be fulfilled by using a vertical crossing angle, though. This was studied in the past by WH et al. The point is that at injection the aperture is rather tight and the MPP has stated against this exercise in normal operation. Therefore, it was decided to implement a special manipulation of the crossing bumps at top energy when beta* is 3 m. At this stage the standard crossing scheme (H crossing and V separation) will be switched to a new one (V crossing H separation) gradually in order to ensure the necessary beam-beam separation.
the additional bumps have been implemented and stored in the official afs repository. Tests in standard operation will be scheduled soon.

Last update: 23-March-2012


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