SLM and general information -> MG MG announces the L. Evans has been appointed Linear
Collider Director.
LHC status -> BH
Short report from MD studies. It is agreed that LCU-related MDs will be
presented in a future meeting.s already been reached last weekend.
JJ comments that LS1 might be delayed even if we are on
track in terms of delivered integrated luminosity.
LPC -> JJ Discussion of beam
parameters for the future p-Pb run. Possible values of beta* for Alice, CMS, and ATLAS: 0.8 m.
LHCb might want to run at reduced beta* in the interval 1.5 m - 2 m. The
bunch spacing should be 200 ns. A run with p-p collisions at reduced
energy after the p-Pb run is requested. The overall strategy of beam
commissioning will be discussed in the coming weeks.
MAD-X status -> LD Test
suite ready. Module keepers' meeting re-activated. Requested feedback
from CERN MAD-X users in view of preparing a programme for future
development of the code. Physics guide is being re-built. RF
multipoles: several cross-checks performed and implementation is almost in
final form. SF suggests a number of additional tests to be
performed and to discuss the implementation details. A presentation will be
scheduled for the next LCU meeting. Skew RF sextupoles have been added to
SixTrack. Other skew RF multipoles will be added gradually.