Summary notes of the LCU meeting on 02/10/2012
Present: HB, RdM, OD, MF, MG, BH, PH, JJ, EQ,BS, MS, RV, FZ
Report from meetings
Further analysis of the p-Pb run -> MS (slides)
Michaela presented an updated status of the analysis of the recent p-Pb test run, which had 15 p and 15 Pb bunches and provided collisions in all 4 IPs, using the un-squeezed flat top optics. Some losses related to orbit changes were observed when going into collisions. An emittance growth and bunch lengthening was observed for ions. A slow emittance decrease was seen for protons, which is in fact expected from damping by synchrotron radiation. There is qualitative agreement in the main trends with the expectations. More work is required on quantitative comparisons with simulations. No evidence for strong beam-beam effects between proton and Pb beams was observed so far which is encouraging for further studies.
High-beta optics options for ALICE -> PH (slides)
Pascal Hermes gave an update on his studies of possible higher beta options for ALICE. From his earlier studies, it was already known that a beta* = 30 m would be compatible with 50 ns operation but marginal or even incompatible with 25 ns operation. The current studies are based on rather conservative estimates: at least 12 sigma separation for the first parasitic encounters from the IP and 3.75 mum normalized emittance. It requires a full crossing angle of 300 murad, which limits the maximum beta* to 18m for 25ns and to 68m for 50ns operation. He matched optics for beta* = 30m and beta* = 18m. The phase advance at about 220 - 240 m from the IP where roman pots could be installed is about 120 degrees in both transverse planes. His studies will be discussed in the ALICE week scheduled at CERN next week.
Last update: 5-October-2012
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