Summary notes of the LCU meeting on 09/07/2013
Present: RA, FB, HB, OD, SF, MHF, MG, JJ, AL, ASL, KK, EM, BR, GR, MS, RT, RV ZF
Report from meetings
Thick quadrupole tracking module in MAD-X -> AL
Andrea Latina reported on the development of a thick quadrupole tracking module in MAD-X. Sympletic transformations for thick quadrupole tracking are known and thick quadruple tracking already existed in MAD-8. He presented the expressions that he uses and checked the off-momentum behaviour. The presentation triggered a discussion on the merits and consistency of the variable choices and equations. This should be further followed up and clarified between our optics and tacking experts, with the aim to arrive at a set of generally accepted reference equations.
IP Aperture LS2-LS3 -> FB (slides)
Frederic presented recent work done for the HL-LHC in the framework of the work package 8 on collider-experiments interface in close collaboration with several other work packages (optics, machine protection, collimation…).
One key point studied is the implications of the increase of the TAS aperture from currently 34 mm to about 60 mm planned for the HL-LHC
in terms of experimental conditions (protection, background..), combined with a reduction of the central beam pipe radius.
He showed examples of tracking with the current and future aperture, see the slides. The central beam pipes will be more exposed to
beam losses and in particular off-momentum particles. He started detailed simulations using SIXTRACK with a simulation of crab cavity failures,
performed together with Bruce Rendon.
Missing MQTs and including dipole b2 errors in the design model -> ASL (slides)
Andy Langner analyzed the effect of including b2 errors in the baseline model as proposed in the last meeting and into consequences of a missing MQT. The inclusion of our best knowledge of b2 errors in the model will result in reduced corrections and better convergence and precision of our measurement/corrections procedures.
Correction tables may be required at intermediate energies. This will be followed up by Massimo and Ezio.
Andy also looked at the consequences of the recently observed non-conformity, a possible faulty MQT 18.l1. The option of removing this single magnet from the circuit of four magnets does not seem ideal. Therefore, unless the non-conformity can be fixed, it will be better to not use this circuit.
Stephane asked to also check the effects for the ATS optics.
Issue with RSS circuit -> RT, YL (slides)
Rogelio reported about studies on the requirements for skew sextupoles which he did together with Yngve, required mainly for the corrections of the a3 component of the main dipoles. A very good agreement between the model and measurements was observed. The corrections required are quite small, for 7 TeV, a maximum of 14.5% of the available strength is expected, and that 20% appears to be a safe upper limit. Stephane also asked to verify this for the ATS optics.
Last update: 12-July-2013
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