Summary notes of the LCU meeting on 13/12/2013
Present: JB, RB, OD, SF, MF, MG, PH, JJ, ASL, YL, VM, SR, THBP, RT, AV
Report from meetings
Estimate of beta-beating for 2015 -> ASL (slides)
The past estimates based on the analysis of the magnetic field
model at 7 TeV have been reviewed.
The effect of fringe fields on the
quadrupole gradient is rather small (1%) in terms of induced beta-beating.
The saturation of the triplets has been neglected: including it makes the
beta-beating explode (60% in the worst case scenario).
The b2 in the dipoles
and the MQTs are important to have a reliable optics model to be used for the
beta-beating corrections. On the other hand, it is decided that fringe fields
should not be added in the nominal model, so that the optics is matched
including them.
Few points should be checked in more detail:
- Hysteresis
effects in the triplets of IR2/8 as they are ramped down at top energy.
Effect of saturation effect at 6.5 TeV, i.e., whether these are really different
from 7 TeV.
- Is the saturation effect in MQXs a random effect changing from
magnet to magnet?
Improvements to the segment-by-segment optics
reconstruction technique have been presented: simulations of the residual
beta-beating after correction with the latest developments and the information
on the magnetic field model at top energy will be performed as next step.
Actions from the LHC OMC review -> THBP (slides)
Several items have been reported as a follow up of the OMC review
performed earlier this year.
Of particular relevance and usefulness is the
on-line measurement and correction of the linear coupling. This will be made
possible by the new DOROS system.
The AC dipole will be capable of exciting
the beam for more turns. However, due to the higher energy, the beam intensity
that can be used for optics measurements will be lower than at 4 TeV. This
should be taken into account when reviewing the number of turns needed to
achieve a good resolution in the measurement.
The OMC codes have been
improved as well as the GUI.
The measured optics will be made available to
LSA. Furthermore, the on-line model should be considered as a means to provide a
snapshot of the LHC status.
Brainstorming on Post-L1 optics -> SF (slides)
A review of the possible optics configuration for LHC after LS1 is
given by Stephane.
Several improvements are presented, either triggered by
the need to improve the past optics, but at constant phase advance (e.g., IR6
optics), or to improve the optical configuration, but with a different phase
advance (e.g., IR2 optics), or in view of using the ATS as operational optics.
Some of the issues discussed have to do with plain beam physics arguments,
some with operational aspects.
It should also be considered that the optical
parameters for the high-luminosity insertions will not be pushed since the
beginning of the physics run, but a ramp up in performance is to be expected.
This consideration should also be taken into account as, rather than defining a
single optical configuration, the most flexible one should be selected.
addition to the optics configurations presented, there are questions on, e.g.,
the choice of beta* at injection in IR1/5 (to be used in view of reducing the
length of the squeeze at top energy) or the choice of the injection tunes. These
aspects are independent on the actual optics configuration selected.
final validation of the new injection crossing scheme for IR8 presented earlier
this year at the LMC to cope with 25 ns bunch spacing and generic polarity of
the LHCb spectrometer is still pending from injection experts.
Last update: 6-December-2013
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