Minutes of the LII Section meeting held on 16th October 2006.
Present: G. Arduini, G. Bellodi, E. Benedetto, H. Braun, R. Bruce, C. Carli, M. Chanel, A. Franchi, S. Gilardoni, J. Jowett, M. Martini, S. Maury, G. Smirnov.
General Information (G. Arduini)
G. Arduini asked for feedback on the group meeting and on the possible reorganization of the ABP group to prepare for the LHC Commissioning and running.
It was generally felt that the group meeting should take place twice per year although it should be shorter.
Concerning the Group Structure it was felt that a separation according to the "speciality" (e.g. optics, collective effects, ...) is too rigid.
It was also felt that invitation to Section Meetings should be extended to other members of the Group whenever the subject is of more general interest so to avoid duplication of presentations in other meetings. Action: G. Arduini.
LHC BLMs for ion operation - status (G. Bellodi) (slides)
The positions of al the additional BLMs required for ion operation have been defined and sent to B. Dehning after some iteration with the BDI colleagues already some time ago. No feedback has been received so far.
S. Gilardoni raised the issue of the correctors (both closed orbit and spool pieces). The quench limits for these correctors is not known and this might limit the LHC intensity in the LHC with ions. J. Jowett mentioned that this issue is being addressed by A. Siemko and part of the discussion with the achine Protection WG. John is following this up.
ICOSIM-SIXTRACK loss maps comparison (R. Bruce) (slides)
Next meeting
Monday, 13th November 2006 at 09:00 in room 354-1-001