Minutes of the LIS Section meeting held on 4th May 2009
Present: G. Arduini, J. Barranco, H. Bartosik, M.Chanel, P. Jackson, M. Martini, S. Maury, E. Métral, N. Mounet, Y. Papaphilippou, G. Prior
General Information (Gianluigi)
LHC status: The
last SSS has been
installed in 34. Interconnection work ongoing, vacuum
chamber cleaning progressing and almost finished.
Measurements of the resistivity at room temperature (sector 12-67)
have been performed to verify the continuity of the copper stabilizer.
Some outliers have been found and will be inspected.
The same measurement needs
to be performed for the quadrupoles.
Sector 23 is now at 80-100 K
Electrical Quality Assurance
to start
Help is needed for access and patrols for LHC. All Section members (staff and not) are welcome to contruibute. Action: all section members
L. Bruno (Radiation Safety Officer) and
P. Carvalho Correia (Departmental Space Manager) have been charged to identify
the Department needs in terms of radioactive material workshops and storage.
From IEFC:
After some measurements on the movement of the soil of the TT20 tunnel made by ABP/SU and discussion with C. Podevin a TT20 re-alignment during long SD 2010-2011 is needed. N. Gilbert has been informed and will follow that up.
Gianluigi reminded the staff members about the deadline for the submission of requests for fellows (Wednesday 6th May at midday).
At the last SPS Upgrade meeting (21/04/2009) M.Benedikt made a request to provide the minimum and maximum values for the transverse emittances acceptable by the SPS for the fixed target beam in the PS2 era. Gianluigi has written a first draft and will circulate it to Elias, Giovanni and Yannis for comments.
From Elena Wildner at PAC:
finalization of the runs and analysis of the energy deposition dependence on magnet aperture for the LHC upgrade phase II for PAC poster and paper;
contribution to organization of nu-factory
barrier bucket studies for the decay ring for the Beta Beams Study
preparation of the talk for the "Physics Opportunity" Workshop at CERN
preparation of the talk for the SPC on the gamma dependence issues for beta beams
finalization of the work programme for the two trainee students coming in June.
Michel Martini said that the problem of the discrepancy between the MOCAC (IBS calculation code re-written in C++ by A. Vivoli) and classical formulas for IBS has been understood and it is due to the post-processing of the simulation data. Reprocessing of the data and increasing the number of cells for the calculation to 4800 (maximum possible, above this value the programme crashes) allows obtaining comparable results for an SPS cell.
Michel Chanel has done some work on the LHC beam in the PS Booster. He has obtained a smaller than nominal vertical emittance and asked whether this could be useful for the downstream machines. After some discussion it became evident that, although a smaller emittance can enhance collective effects like space charge at injection in the PS or electron cloud instability in the SPS at injection, it is better to have a small transverse emittance at low energy in the PSB for machine studies, furthermore the it can be blown-up during acceleration in the PSB with the transverse feedback.
Gianluigi asked whether there are news about the vacuum degradation in the electron cooler section in LEIR. Michel Chanel replied that gas analysis is ongoing and that results should be known soon and a discussion with the vacuum team will take place tomorrow. Cold Check-Out due to start at the end of May. Some problems have been found with LS and fixed. S. Pasinelli (OP) is following up the controls issues.
Gersende is working with C. Rogers (RAL) for the ionization cooling part for the Neutrino Factory study. She is comparing the ICOOL and GEANT-MICE codes in order to determine ionization rates and therefore the maximum field achievable on the RF cavities. The maximum field achievable in the cavities affects the acceptance of the cooling channel (the lower the field the lower is the acceptance). For teh moment ICOOL (written at FNAL/BNL) is providing more pessimistic results.
PS (Yannis): no major problems, but the wire scanners are not yet operational (e.g. the energy is not taken into account properly). The SEM wires remained blocked in the TT2 line. This was due to a problem with the compressed air. The orbit acquisition (CODD) is working well. The offset observed in the reading provided by the pick-up 20 and 57 was due to dust in the connectors and it has been fixed by applying some HV to the connectors. The measurement of the matrices for chromaticity correction is ongoing. The new regulation for the main power supplies is working well. Gianluigi asked whether the new OTRs in TT2 are working well. Yannis will verify that.
Nicolas is continuing the theoretical analysis of the electromagnetic fields in a cylindrical pipe with resistive wall. He has also developed a technique to provide accurate FFT of analytic functions over 15 decades.
SPS (Elias): beam
based alignment performed. r.m.s. less than 1.5 mm in both planes
after alignment. Electrostatic septum (ZS5): problems
observed (short to ground of an ion trap and aperture limitation. After opening
it was found that (either during transport or installation) the ion trap was
again bent and a contact to ground occurred). Repaired in-situ. After the
intervention it seems that both problems (short to ground and aperture) are
fixed. Some tests are being performed on a
multi-strip detector installed in the roman pot to be used for the UA9 (crystal
experiment). The signal is not yet totally understood. Further tests are
Aperture measurements have been performed with thw wire scanner 416. Gianluigi noted that in the past problems were found with that wire scanner (calibration) and the calibration should be verified before using the data from that wire scanner for aperture measurements. Gianluigi suggested to use wire scanner 51995 or wire scanner 414. Elias said that the wire scanner 517 is not yet working (since last year).
The economy cycle has been tested and it is now used in operation.
Gianluigi asked Elias whether he had some feedback from GSI after the workshop in February and the proposals for collaboration sent by Elias to O. Boine-Frankenheim. Elias replied in the negative. He also added that IBS could be an additional subject for collaboration with GSI.
Impedance meeting taken place last Friday (profiting of B. Spataro visit) - link. The results of the simulation/measurement benchmark for the SPS BPMs has been presented (the agreement is good) as well as the status of the comaparison of the particle studio simulation data for rectangular and cylindrical vacuum chambers with resistive wall with theoretical formulas. Elias noted that the quadrupolar term of the kicker wake field might not be correct due to the presence of the conductors whose effect is not taken into account in the formulas used for the estimate of the wake fields of the kickers. Gianluigi suggested to contact B. Doliwa to see whether he could quantify the effect of the conductors in the simulation of the quadrupolar term of the wake field (Doliwa had made some impedance calculations for the GSI kickers in 2006). Elias will contact him.
Next meeting
Monday, 18th May 2009 at 14:00 in room 354-1-001
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